Friday, August 3, 2012

COME ON PEOPLE, USA Crafters & Christmas

      Let this be the year we stand up for American workers during and anytime at all. If The government won't make a difference it's up to us. STAND UP FOR AMERICA-PASS THE GREEN TO OUR OWN CITIZENS!!!
     Before you shop, call stores, saves gas and frustration, ask if they carry whatever it is you're looking for(I'll even help-e mail me) and ask if it's American made. Please, I know crafts are a work of art and many times expensive, but isn't freedom always expensive? Buying American is helping to pay for an American economy. Crafters are all over and on line. Let your kid knows the choices this year are only-hand made American. Oh, they'll cry? Whine? They'll say but my friends will get...too bad, after all who is the parent and what future do you want for your children? Shop now for Christmas. Try Standing up for AMERICA by buying  AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS.

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