Thursday, March 29, 2012

If God was One of Us, What

     It was another one of those wake up with thoughts in my head mornings. First thought was that Song, What if God was one of us? It started the wheels turning so I knew I had to blog it to get it out of my head-hopefully or it will be there for days.
     What would God look like? What kind of personality would he take on? My daughter and I had a chat on the way home from Ohio about God, Christianity and being a Jew, the beliefs we don't share. The Jews believe you get to heaven by good works and Christians believe you...well I'm no longer sure. You have to be saved? Jesus also says no man comes to the father except by or through me? There are other things that tell us how to get to heaven, so which one is it? Is it all of them? Maybe I should convert. Judaism seems easier if it's just to do good works.
    Now back to, what if God is one of us. Would he take on a child-like form? Would he be black or white. We've argued enough over that and my personal feeling is, he was a Jew so his color could have been olive, hair like wool? Sure, He didn't use conditioner and brown skin? Sure again. He lived in the sun. We don't really know what he looked like except for descriptions in the Bible, and who cares.
    He was a carpenter so would he look like a man who has rough hands, and join the carpenters union or would HE join the teachers union and teach in schools?
He knew all about pain, so would he become a child-bearing woman:)?
    One of the things I said to my daughter as we talked about going to heaven is, what if the Bible is right? Who wants to take a chance and ignore it? She nodded in agreement. Her nephew was just baptized in a Catholic church. She and her brother were raised in an Assemblies of God church, and I was raised in a Lutheran church, but introduced my children to the Jewish Community Center and taught them about other religions as they grew. We attended a Presbyterian church in Oregon as our church when my son was younger. For me it's about the people and what the church teaches.
    IF GOD walked among us, I doubt He'd be too happy. We have liquor, the lottery, porn, children being abused and more, and I don't have enough time or the stomach to point out how sinful we are with such precious lives in our care. Even our thoughts are sinful. I just slapped myself:) I am not without sin by a long shot. I do try to do better. I wonder why He gave us free choice. Look what we've done with it?

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