Monday, March 26, 2012

Letting it all out, 6lbs in 7 Days

   Oh such good news. I was weighed today as is usual at the doctors office. Doing a lot of check-ups. I am over-due and over weight. So I made sure to use the terlit before weighing in, washed up, came out and anxiously got on the scale. The nurse smiled, and she is  a real nurse who has been though and survived cancer and works at this doctors office. Many times when we meet a person like she is, we wonder what right do we have to complain, but we do.
   I said, well? She smiled again, said you lost six pounds. The front desk heard me as I made a fist and air hit her arm saying, freakin kool a mundo! They asked me what was going on, now knowing I was trying and I explained the Forks over Knives movie. Thanks again and again Marty and Mike. Mike put the movie on while we were visiting. Marty told me about it the day before and it was just plain information and common sense. Even my blood pressure was down. I said uh, Thank Ya Jesus!

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