Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pot Pie People, Spring Grove& The Dairy Bar

     No this isn't intended to be mean, but even now thinking about it, I won't say it, because if I was a pot pie person, I would think, how mean is that?
      So I took this kid to The Dairy Bar in Spring Grove for an ice cream Sundae, and I ordered a large pineapple sundae, not having had one in years. Little did I know what a large is, but I was better off for it. It was really just the right size and oh sooooo delicious. He enjoyed his too, a peanut butter sundae. I was finished first as he was writing. Then he finished his and picked up the menu when I bust out laughing asking him what he was doing. Getting another one? He said yeah, just making sure I have enough money. Me? I was full before we sat down having had a late lunch.
     The very nice waitress came over asked if we needed anything else and he asked while smiling at the menu about taxes, having some spending money on him.
She then asked about the bill and I said, OH NO! I'm paying for the first two. If he wants more he can pay for it, and he did with his second ice cream sundae.
     He had two spoonfuls left and suddenly I saw another waitress bring over a supper plate to a couple and it looked like mashed potatoes and more. That did it for me. Yes, I was stuffed by now and then some. I asked for a small saucer or bowl of potatoes with gravy. Why not? It was like a dream, slowly walking to me, sitting in front of me and gone all too soon. A glutton for punishment and some diet I'm on went through my head. But ahh, it's been too long, so I ate and enjoyed.
      At the counter I mentioned how good they were and this other waitress smiles and says, yeah for powder they sure are, I love em. What? Powder! Oh I get it, not real. I couldn't get over that she told me, but in the end, I didn't care and would order them again, because they were so, so good. The kid? No he stopped after my potatoes. He ran out of money.

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