Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Clare Danes & Dead Hair

       A few days ago I saw a wonderful older movie with Anthony Hopkins and Clare Danes. In the movie she is telling her, oh so smart sister who never took care of the very ill dad, how she is feeling , how she looks and how to live her life, but where was this sister before she dumped all the responsibility on little sis? So little sis who was smart enough, good enough and lived her life the only way she could with such an ill father(means barely lived) was suddenly dumb.
       Now the dead hair thing? In this story the ever so smart sister told Clare Danes she needed to get her hair done, liven it up. Clare Danes snapped her head and said why, hair is dead and that is what started this all. Why do we spend so much money on hair products?
       The advertisers! Those mostly rich men who sell and design hair styles, clothes, lingerie, shoes, all for women who buy, buy, and buy some more. Come on ladies, listen to Clare. Your hair is dead! Yes, I like my hair to look good too-sometimes, but use the most inexpensive products and I can get it looking very nice when I really want to without spending five bucks for a bottle of shampoo, or should I say seven or ten? Conditioner, a buck and a half,(sometimes 1.00) not four to seven bucks.
   Clare Danes you are right! or is it Claire?

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