Thursday, March 29, 2012

Who Is Your American Idol ? Money, Jesus, Politics, Fame

       Yes I watch American Idol, but I do jump around a lot as much of it lately I can't stand, as in the screaming. Why do singers feel as if they have to scream when they sing? Oh well and the audience...they are all waving their hands back and forth in the air, no matter what tempo the music is. Talk about annoying. So I check out other channels.
       Then I see a preacher whose name I now forget. He is very large in size and has a son who preaches too. Of course that's the thing with TV evangelists. I have a  hard time listening to a preacher who also shouts at people as if their deaf. Maybe because they/we don't listen, but then again neither does he. He talks about discipline a lot. He is about two hundred pounds overweight!
      I am partial to Charles Stanley. He is a teacher preacher, soft spoken and gets the point across without screaming and pounding us to death with his fist on a lectern.
      Politicians. Enough said. I wish. Who do you trust? One man, Santorum talks God a lot. Does he mean it? Does that make him better? One, Romney is a Mormon. Many said being a Mormon is part of a cult but what do Mormons say about Christians. Do you know they call Christians, "savvies"? Then we have the little guy which I feel very certain why he isn't getting the vote. We live in a vain society. Gotta be good looking and tall to get elected. Period. I gotta tell ya when I saw his name on a bumper sticker, Vote for Ron Paul, on a lady's car who I didn't care, for I was sure he had to be, not such a  good guy.Then I listened to him talk. For a little guy his words are as deep and sincere as the ocean.
     I thought Ron Paul was part of some weird movement as this lady is weird, but then again so am I and who am I to talk:)? Oh yeah we also have Newt with NEW WIVES-Yes I am against him for that reason. I'm not against a man being elected because he's rich. Look how many Kennedy's got into office. People loved them and they were whore men, lived rich lives, didn't talk about it, but sure lived it in the public eye, even in the eyes of their wives.
     So it will come down to Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, I hope. We need a new president. Maybe use Jesus as an example. Did Rick or Mitt volunteer as they were climbing the ladder, where and how. Did they help people What were their donations. Santorum said he donates less because he has a sick child. True and now says he will donate more-but Rick, she is still sick! He should defend what he wants to donate. Mitt, I just don't know about you except when I hear you on late night talk shows you are a better speaker. Too bad we couldn't hear these guys at home.  Where is the real man? Toilet paper anyone?

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