Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crow Bar & kid on Spring Grove school bus-how?

      Not sure why I haven't said anything yet, maybe because of trust, but with kids you don't know sometimes if they want you to tell, keep a secret and just sit back and see what you're going to do. They may also not want anything said because they don't want to get another kid in trouble.
      So this young adolescent brings home a crow bar one day directly from school. He walked in and showed me saying this kid asked me if I wanted it and I said yeah. I asked right away how did he get it on the bus and before I waited for an answer, I said, wait a minute, How did you get it on the bus. He laughed and said, I just walked on. No one said anything or stopped me. We wonder why things happen like kids getting into fights and then a crowbar appears and I am so guilty of being worse than lax. But as the subject came up again tonight I know I will do something about it as this crowbar has now gone to another persons home and I worry.
     I know as in many cases should someone get hurt, up will pop my name as in, she knew I had it, and she knew I brought it here. So now he is telling me again about where he has it. I am assuming he wants me to say something, and if not, I am following my conscience after all as parent or adults who take care of kids, it is our responsibility to safe guard as much as possible no matter how angry a kid might get. Verbal anger is much better than a crowbar across the head.

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