Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Forget Jesus? M. Cycrus tweets-I say forget Miley

            I know, why do I care? Because kids look up to her, follow her, buy what she may call music, see her what she calls movies, because she is what they call a good actor(it's actually actress). I find none of that to be true, but then I'm not a kid.
   Too many music and child actors and actresses are admired by children and we need to watch closely who they watch closely. Turn the channel, don't see that movie, choose their clothes, give allowance if you can afford and if they earn it. Make them save 75% of it. Teach character and you can't go wrong.
   Who is she to say Forget Jesus? Who is she to tell your children something like Forget Jesus. I say Forget Miley. In the shape of the world today, do you want to take a chance and forget Jesus? Would Jesus forget her.. uh,what's her name?

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