Sunday, March 11, 2012

Where is Maggie?   She is anywhere you need her, enough said. 7.00 per, Free look at this site, pass it along if you feel this could help someone and if not, well don't:)  Grab a cup of coffee//tea and sit and chat with Maggie, just as it states on her front page.
    So where is Maggie? Maggie is where ever you need her to be when you need someone to talk to, get concrete help with and is a very confidential person, not like a spouse or best friend, although we all need them, well most of us. But doesn't a best friend usually want to help, then tells someone else. If it's a secret, a bad secret that is, then keep it to your self or share with a licensed therapist or talk to Maggie. Have a great start to this sunny daylight savings time change.
             Just a click away :

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