Monday, March 5, 2012

My High School Illustrator-You Can Too !

      For  a long time I have been writing and now have quite a few children books finished, but only on paper. So looking up illustrators I find the expense to outweigh trying to publish a book. Since I have worked with kids and kids have worked for me, doing a better job than some adults, it is kids who I have turned to once again.
     Calling the local high school I was directed to the art teacher who in turn contacted me. In order for safety, confidentiality and fairness I agreed to let the teacher give out my e mail. One young lady in particular wrote me asap. Three more followed, yet I felt like I knew already it would be a good match with this first young lady. Yesterday someone else e mailed me, and I'm amazed at how little some know how to address others.
   This last e mail simply tole me to email back, no first name, no, to Whom it may concern, nothing. This was a fifty-fifty business opportunity from an adult to students. One young lady wrote me and I answered her right away, but then didn't hear for a few days. I had the attitude, well if she can't answer...I found out what her schedule was like, so we too will meet. I am meeting with four students as I have many stories, two of which are Christian based, mostly all children's stories, and one is a teen book, and the last is one I have been working on for years, well off and on.
     During the meeting with the first young lady and just some chatting I mentioned how disorganized I became-again. She said, well I can organize too...isn't that kool, and so this just goes to show us adults how willingly teens are to work. Bottom line is call your local high school and ask for the help you need. Kids want to help, want to be paid and work. This serves two purposes and maybe more. If I was able, I would pay her weekly so she could let go of her part time job, stay closer to home, save gas and hours. But I am getting an illustrator and she is getting exposure, as well as possibly learning if this is what she wants as a career or not.
     We are doing this as a fifty-fifty partenrship and I am ever so grateful. This is a young lady with I'm sure many options, but for now, I'm the lucky one whose option she chose.

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