Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Nurse said this? Yes she did...

   Hello again people and persons from all planets. Okay Silly Sunday. I am just happy to be feeling better. So get this. Recently had problems with my hands and shoulders. Went to see an orthopedic doctor who I respect due to his conservative treatments. He sent me home with Hand splints and that takes care of that. I honestly thought I would never be able to use my hands again it was so bad, taking both hands to turn the key in my car.
    Now with my shoulders, I needed an x-ray. I have been doing very well lately going plant based as far as food goes. Have been using Almond mill, no fat and no cholesterol, did have one chicken breast, and one small bag of movie popcorn. That's the worst I've done in six days, but I am not feeling deprived or hungry. When I do get hungry I grab a piece of fruit. I do have to stock up more on vegetables, but I can feel such a difference in just six days, and am sleeping better.
   So just before the x-ray, the technician and I were talking about health, age related illnesses and more. Oh Sorry, not a nurse but this woman has been in this field for many years, and she is thin.
     I explained to her how this came about, Marty, my son's  father-in-law told me about a movie, Forks over Knives and also mentioned a book, Fire Engine 2 diet. The next day while visiting my son's brother-in-law Mike put the movie on, and my eyes were opened. I bought the book, but it's almost ten bucks cheaper on line and you don't really need it-just think plants not processed. Like a COW. A cow has to be processed before sales. I know we never think about that, but think about this: Once killed and how is it killed( I love beef by the way) It is taken to a slaughter floor where many cows have been before, many butchers with many knives-how clean is all that? Do they sanitize between each  COW or BULL?
   I know what I sound like and I may still have a burger once in a rare while, but I doubt it. What do the cows eat? On their grasses is manure, urine, toxins from machines and processed grain. Oh sorry again-back to the tech-she said "but that healthy food is so expensive"! I couldn't believe what I was hearing, even if I wasn't doing what I am. My reply was, well yes it is, but so is being sick. When you are sick you need to pay for the doctor visits, tests, some embarrassing exams, which many we should have anyway. On top of all that, being sick is time and life consuming.
   She, with a lighter sounding voice said, well, yeah, that is true. I wish someone told me that way years ago. Marty, where were you? I know people probably did. I just wasn't ready or willing to listen because too many of us act so cocky in intelligence, we blow them off thinking, hey look at your life, who are you to tell me? Well either way, I'm listening now and it sure feels good. I do know some illnesses we can't prevent, but many we can and I am thankful that I have listened-finally. I just hope it isn't too late. Do you want to wait until it's too late?

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