Saturday, March 10, 2012

Old Blogger interface-what's going on? I am not giving up

     Okay so I posted a small thingy this morning on that 64 bit thing from when I first started this blog stuff eons ago and searching and searhing on that same section I finally founf on "option"  old blogger interface-so it brought me back to what I'm used to, teh area that is. Stil don't know if I can get in and sign on without those IE9 and IE8 ERROR messages, BUT at the very least if I'm here, I might be able to send on to Facebook and tweet again-yea! That makes me happy. Oh the little things in life-NOW IF I CAN JUST FINE MY WAIST!
            Here's a link, give it a try-she isn't always available as she does crafts, sews, makes signs, and paints cleans sometimes, gets distracted a lot. an awful lot, but will answer the same day. Oh and she also write , has two books for children coming out at the end of April. TAlk to Maggie, she knows more than I do:)

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