Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Aleve Warning- Whew!

       I can only tell you what happened to me. Side effects maybe? Stomach cramps? You know where I'm going and it won't be out dancing. I went on yahoo to look up Aleve after I started feeling and experiencing a bad reaction. Aleve is listed in comparison with Naproxen am anti-inflammatory agent. Naproxen or Naprosen is very Strong if you don't eat at least a half an hour before hand.
      Because lately I have had hand pain I also checked out those kinds of gloves my daughter-in-law told me about. I went to Joanns, bought a pair, 18.00 and they did help. So on line it suggested to use the gloves along with Aleve. I was desperate. I bought Aleve too, went home and about an hour later took two Aleve and wore the gloves. After just fifteen minutes I felt something happening in my hands, but still left them on for possible a total of 30-45 minutes.
       I ate only soup for lunch with crackers. But shortly after supper, beef stew, no buttered bread, my stomach started roaring and off I went until nine last night.
    ALEVE WILL BE GONE FOR GOOD! The gloves will be WORN EVERY DAY. Thank you Kelly.

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