Thursday, March 29, 2012

Touch, Thurs. 9 P.M. a WOW Show

     I love this show from the first time I saw it. About a little curly-haired boy who has autism. He doesn't talk but communicates with numbers, sending his dad played by Keifer Sutherland, on what at first appears to be a wild goose chase, but they play out not to be.
     This little boy and his numbers mind is somehow connected to things in far away places and people and he always makes his dad take off. No speaking, no writing directions,  but just numbers and it's always for good. What a cool show. It's about time. I think this is a show that should be on earlier on a Friday or Saturday so more kids can watch. A dad with patience, immeasurable love and understanding, these two players make a great combination for entertaining TV.
   Do you know anyone with Autism? People with Autistic behaviors are not all the same because to put it simply, they are individuals. Thank you to all the teachers who work with these children.

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