Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Matt Dillon, The Missing men among us...

      Okay you sarcastic bunch of yo yo's, I know James Arness aka Mr. yummy has passed away recently, but as an example, his character Marshall Matt Dillon is seriously needed in today's world. He had ccharacter, morals, a work ethic, and boy could he stand up to people in just the right way. If needed he gave a good fist in the face. Okay peace baby...blah,blah, and more blah.
      It's men like Matt Dillon, and again I know, a TV character, but he stood for things. He spoke less and did more. That's the kind of person we need in office, and I'll say a man too. If there was such a woman, sure put her in the ring, but look at what's happening to women in the Marines, and don't hand me any crap, if they want to be in a man's world they need to take it. That's the problem, they are not men who do those things. They are one of the worst kinds of cowards, lower than whale shit! Yup that's what I said...now back to Matt Dillon.
    I see him on old shows every afternoon and won't miss one because he reminds me of the missing men among us.
    Not bar brawling and ya don't have to be that gorgeous manly ruffff kind of a guy, or that awesome tall with a walk that makes my liver quiver, but it all helps.
Sure you think it's only in the movies. Now check this out. I think one of the problems with elections is trying to hire men who are saints. Don't we all, haven't we all, or most of us learned better, understood better because we've had problems. With a past that isn't perfect we have a more open perspective way to take care of situations. We have examples to look at, not just text books, not just our yes men. Those saints we elect like ARNOLD Schwartzy with a son hidden, Clinton playing the HArMONICA, Spitzer with hookers, Gingrinch, a cheater, nothing Newt) the guy in the bathroom some where swapping shoes and it goes on and on.
   So we put the creeps on a pedestal, they fail us as they have their wives who stay and or come back and why...money? Who knows. At least if we elect some guy who has past imperfections we know, we know who we have-Al Capone would be better than...never mind, you get my gist

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