Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It Can Happen Here Too !!!

        While sewing my  latest American made bag I am listening to the news and then I hear what I know can and may very well happen here. I think something like it did before. Look what happened to the housing market and who was in office then ?
    So, how would you like to be allowed to take only 70.00- that's right seventy dollars a day out of your bank, your own money? Well that's what's happening in Greece. Buy safes, not one but two, fire proof.  The interest you receive from knowing your money is safer than in a bank is worth it. Maybe even a safety deposit box in a bank, but I don't know how that works. If we go into a serious recession, the banks, whose CEO's are loaded, may just lock down your safety deposit boxes too.
    How do you stop it? VOTE ! Study your candidates. I just heard Chris Christie stopped a teachers raise or their pension, something like that. Check for yourself. So techers are protesting to make sure as I heard, "so people really know what kind of a man he is". ARE THEY KIDDING ?
      The only way you really know how a man or woman is, is if you live with them and many times not even then. Study them, look at their history, voting records. I am not affiliated with a party so I check independent. I hate when people run party lines then vote party lines. These people who run for office know who votes party lines, so they don't give a crap about you. They care about those who don't vote and minorities, which really mean, no longer do they care about the all American person to put it in a nutshell. YOU no longer count!
     Save your money!!!

Obama and Dr. Ben Carson

       As you see in the title, my respect lies with Dr. Carson. The difference is when Dr. Carson becomes President he will be the real first Black President, first African American President ! As we all know Obama is Bi-racial, inter racial what ever title you want to use to describe which is generational.
    Still too early to tell, but I am in line with Dr. Carson, Donald Trump, Chris Christie, Judge Pirro, not in that order.
         Who ever votes for Hillary should go to jail with her. How do we as a UNITED STATEs even allow someone with her lack of moral character, her lies, her past political history along with Billy Boy Clinton who lied about Monica, degrading her and yes I know she did it to herself, so we have Billy boy who also degraded the white house and people want him in again? Maybe this time Hillary will invite Monica for Billy.
    These people like Hillary stand up for the so called minorities only to get a vote. Will they also buy them homes to really help them, get jobs for them, pay for Automobiles, invite home for sinner? I doubt it.

I seriously believe Dr. Carson would do those things as he can and in individual situations . Trump, half and half, same with the rest, maybe Christie. I love Pirro, doubt she'll run, enjoys fashion and cameras, selfies too much, but what great judge and political person!  Maybe Greta Van a Susterern?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Entitled More Education if U Own vs. Renting ?

       Why this just hit me today is beyond me, but I have to pass things along if I think they matter even slightly. I was told a while ago by an educator in my distrct where a child was not getting what he should have gotten, that they are doing this "because you own a home in this district". That wasn't entirely true. They were now doing what was right because of a few things, mainly The Education Law center became involved and they asked an attorney to work bro bono. He did and he is not an intern but a lawyer who works for a huge firm and lives in another state.
     This brought me back to something that happened years ago when I was renting. I did everything right, paid my rent on time, ahead of time, kept the house great, asked permission to fix things, wallpaper etc. MY wrongdoing was, I didn't get anything in writing. Near the end of five years there  the landlords and I had problems. He hired a cheap painter to power sand the house, causing all kinds of problems with lead paint and my baby girl. I held back the rent in an escrow account and as soon as I did that, he came to my house, threatened to blow my head off with a double barrel shotgun. He saw nothing wrong.
    I had two men from church by me and I was taken aside and asked to not stay there that night. What I immediately did, well the next day was call the city detective who was useless, told me I should move that the guys is crazy and not worth it. If I was in New York....enough said.
    But the best thing I did was call a lawyer and she wrote him a letter. That letter halted all of his threats, and he called asking permission to come over etc. But he wasn't done with me. He had my security deposit and I trusted I'd get it back. I was moving to my own home. They refused to give my deposit back and I took them to the local district justice. My neighbor said, "forget it, you rent, you don't stand a Chance". She explained no matter how right I was, I wasn't a home owner, didn't pay taxes. That was Loganville/Jacobus PA. She was right. Those landlords presented me as someone who did what I wanted without permission, very well spoken and  also broke a light which would cost them 75. to buy. Yes, That did happen. It was about 20. But this small minded and unfair so called district court judge found in favor of the tax payers.
      So now I ask you... will you have the same rights with education as a renter for your children as a tax paying owner? If not and any way at all, get involved with the education law center in your state because they will screw you and your child if they can because as I was told about special programs, "It's expensive".
 Your child needs an IEP which will allow a TSS, Extended school year, aides for the van and the classroom. You are just as much a person who counts as anyone else ! IN closing, Just because my child is now taken care of correctly, I will not stop sending out this very important message. EXPENSIVE??? So are their raises !

Jimmy Johns Parks in HC spaces

          For now I'll not mention which store it is, but last week, when I stopped in during the noon hour I see one space open and I also see a driver facing me, not noticing it was a Jimmy Johns delivery car. I wait seconds to be sure he didn't want that space as I think he was before me. The parking lot was full and it was a hot and humid day. Well I took the empty space and I see there was another one, the one he took, but it was a Handicapped space, no pole, no sign on a pole, but the big blue sign painted on the street right at Jimmy Johns side door. Yes, That's the one he took!
     Honestly I was shocked as , even though the lot was full at lunch time, there are many spaces in that whole lot area. Inside I order for myself and a kid and mention to the guy checking me out, "your driver is in an HC spot". He said, I didn't know that. Just talk. Maybe it wasn't his job to say, hey, go move the car, but he never said another word to anyone while I was there. As I waited, I realize I see them park there a lot! Why? There are when I go in, many places to park, just one space away.Usually I go in before or after lunch time. This was the first time I noticed HC spaces, so if a wheelchair car came in, they could not park.
    Jimmy Johns, SHAME ON YOU !

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dear Ben Carson= Freedom !

        Hello Dr./Mr President Carson

                          Years ago as a foster mom, I used your story for a child I had in foster care. He is black, and has lived in so many homes, no black male role model to look up to. So I kind of made up a story about Sidney Poitier, how he dressed as a young man, found a pair of shoes in a window, left his family behind in the Caribbean so he "could Make it in America" and how one day he saw a pair of shoes he loved, would do anything for them, heard about acting and in small town America, was given a script to read. He got on stage and made things up because he couldn't read. All of this I made up. Then in that story I said Sidney went into a diner. A man sat in the back corner booth reading a paper, a white guy who owned the diner.
     Sidney watched as he read, turned he pages, laughed, grimaced and finally Sidney asked the man to teach him to read and he would do anything for that. They came to an agreement that Sidney would work as many hours as the man wanted washing dishes, cleaning and anything that came up. Sidney added how he wanted to buy a pair of shoes.
      Over the next several months the owner watched how hard Sidney worked to learn to read and buy a pair of shoes. The day finally came. Sidney could read, not great, but he could and asked the man for the money for shoes. The man said, I never promised you money, just shoes and had Sidney walk with him to the store. The man respected Sidney so much, they walked and talked about each others family, education, and being black. Arriving at the store Sidney sees the shoes are gone. The man says, don't worry, they have plenty. The man introduces Sidney to the store keeper, Arnie. Arnie reaches out to grasp Sidneys' hand and Sidney pulls back, uncertain. Its okay says the diner owner. They shake hands and Arnie says, come here Sidney. He opens a curtain, and there hanging are two suits, one very casual and one a dress suit with shirts, ties, belts, and two pairs of shoes. There were also under wear. Sidney sat and cried.
        Those three men forever stayed friends, out of trust and respect. To repeat myself, I made all of that up for  a kid. But then I decided to take him to Washington to meet a congressman, the real deal to show this child who he too cab become. The congressman promised him all kinds of things, then he wanted to use the boys' picture for a new law they were making about siblings seeing each other more. This  kid had eleven siblings, nine in care. When I told the congressman he can't use his picture because the child was through Children and youth, just about everything stopped, including promises of a team sweatshirt.
    The kids' birthday comes around and by now he is living in  a residential home. I called, we talked and he never received a thing. I called the congressmans' office, Chaka Fattah something from Philly. His Secretary answered and I told her I would go to the papers because of that lack of action. She asked for the kids address and sent him a pencil and pad. !
      Real life or make believe? What would you want? Then I saw your story as a kid and the boy...well I let him move in with me again a few years later and I think, not sure there was a Christian movie about you or a library book. Either way, he knew about you but felt too far for him to reach and still preferred Sidney' Poitier's made up story asking me if I thought he could get that far. Sure, why not?
     Doctor Carson, America is looking at you and fools that we are may end up voting for more of the same because we don't see the passion in you that we see in Judge Pirro or D. Trump. I think you are just a careful common sense man and I pray you make it. If you don't, Judge Pirro doesn't look like shes running, but maybe Trump or Christie?
    I believe your life is as valuable as you believe every one's life is and you would really be the First Black president as Mr. Obama is the first Bi Racial. Sadly I have lost respect for all governing people. They take and take We have elderly who are not taken cared of and a law now passed allows illegal immigrants to receive medical care, get an education,  Disability, and more than immigrants who come here by way of waiting, following rules, obeying the law, shoved aside as Americans who are born here. This is not the AMERICA I knew.

Muslins, Alpine Brooklyn, Options Follow-up

     Regarding my prior post, I take nothing back, however on Face book someone said, they pray for five minutes, let it go. Well that;s fine if that was all that it was about, but it's also about taking advantage of your religion and the fact that many are afraid of radical Muslims, so no one does anything about them blocking     a sidewalk so no one can pass. What will happen if they want to pray in front of your place of worship? What will happen when your child goes to school with a bible and not allowed to have it but a child of Muslim faith can not only bring the Koran, but stop to pray on his prayer mat? AMERICA, In the name of all that's Holy to us, GOD, JESUS, THE HOLY SPIRIT, Stand up, Stand out and hand over your HEART SHOW who we ARE, a UNITED STATES of AMERICA !
    Lutherans, Jews, Catholics, Pentecostals, Baptists, Menonites, Pray like you nver prayed before, because thats all you may have left!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Muslims Block Alpine in Brooklyn, TAKE BACK....

        Facebook removed teh photos of Muslims blocking an old Movie theater, The Alpine on 69th st. and 5th ave in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. Why did FB remove it? Bleeding Heats liberal company? Or Was it not to continue the agitation we all feel as losing our lands to Radicals.
       As far and long as I can remember, no one is allowed to block a public street or sidewalk, so how is it they get away with these things? Where are the police arresting these people. They have mosques, homes, and there are public places like parks, but no, they want to show their asses to AMERICA in defiance as if to say, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??? They get away with protesting our kids praying in schools, yet look at what they gat away with!
     We have to stand up, unite, wear our own religious symbols and get back to the roots of our own religions.
     These people know we have let our faith go by the wayside and they unite using their faith as an excuse as to why they are allowed and get away with taking over streets, cities, boro's, states. In this, our United States we have:
  •  Catholics
  • Lutherans
  • Protestants,
  •  Baptists
  • Pentecostal
  • Jews
  • Orthodox Jews
  • The Greek Faith
....and so many more, but we have to get BACK. Excuse me if I made errors concerning the correct faith wording, but you get my drift, so now, DRIFT BACK to your Churches. UNITE AMERICA! Before you end up bowing in prayer to MECCA, or.... side by side Christians & Jews unite, Americans, take it back.

Trumps Mexican Message

         Poorly stated, he has to admit that. From what I heard this morning it sounded as if he was targeting all People who are Mexican. He tried to clarify what he said later with news anchor Meghan Kelly, showing Mexican borders and how Mexican people are coming in illegally. That in itself is a crime, so they are criminals, but that does not make them rapists and drug dealers. That would be like saying, all Irish are drunks, all Norwegians are drunks etc. You get my point.
       I only know as intelligent as Trump is, he could have , should have rephrased his words, unless he meant exactly what he said. Now he may pay the ultimate price. We are over populated with people who get to vote even when not citizens, thanks to Obama as well as given illegals free medical and education and social security-WHY ISN'T HE TAKEN TO TASK! REVERSE Discrimination?
      I love Ben Carson as well as Jeannine Pirro and TRUMP-Just, please people if you VOTE HILLARY, You are Voting more crime=YOU ARE HER.
   Something in closing to think about concerning the Trump. HE may have stated out loud exactly what he thinks, but how many Mexicans feel the same way about white Americans, just not talking about it out loud or running for office. We ALL have our issues about certain cultures as hard as we try not to due to personal experience, what we see on the news, crime areas and more. Personally I take people one at a time, thankfully because I did leave where I grew up and moved around the country to find out for myself. Oh remember this, OPRAH, a BLACK WOMAN said racism will only go away when ALL OLD WHITE  people die! That's not racist? Remember what bobble head so called reverend did with a young Tawana Brawley, having her say she was raped by a white man. He's one of those phony make belivee Reverends.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Bay Ridge Landlords, Brooklyn Ny

       This is about an old friend of mine, yet I am positive there are many more in the same situation and worse. She was an ex-husband away from living on the streets or in her car because she has four pets and poor credit. No one wants pets, and no one wants someone with poor credit. There are so many extenuating circumstances and no one wants to know. She still works full time and also receives a pension.
      However when her son and husband died two years ago, life took a downhill spiral. I always knew her as a prideful person, who paid her bills and took care of the family. Suddenly with two tragedies, and enormous funeral bills to pay, her credit and her life took a nose dive. No one would or could help. Everyone has their own problems. I offered her to live here, but I too wouldn't not accept the cats, mainly because I'm kind of afraid of them. They are all clean animals. She takes very good care of them.
     She would not leave her mother anyway who will be ninety three this summer. So she was evicted from her rental in Staten Island, a six day legal eviction. She needs if the smallest of anything a studio apartment that will allow pets in Bay Ridge for about 600. a month, hopefully out in the 70's, 80's etc, a nicer area.
     Where is she living now you wonder. Just about all of her possessions went into storage and her ex-husband and his wife came to the rescue with a room, a room about the size of a kennel. She sleeps on a piece of a sectional, so very uncomfortable, but it's home for now. She wants to paint, but a real bed, give that box in a house a face lift. I won't describe the house but if I were to give it a name as a whole, I would simply called it, DEPRESSION. Nice people, helpful, but...
       Can anyone out there there me how I could possible help her get her own studio when her credit appears stained to the hilt, all due to by the way, her helping others, being conned a very long time, paying for funerals and more, helping others buy a new car and now, almost seventy...she is a box away.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Take Pedophile Hasterts Gov't Pension for ABuse

        Since it appears this pervert cannot be sued or locked up, why can't his extra government pension be taken and donated to abuse victims of sexual abuse. He can still receive retirement as in social security, but should not receive a dime or his wife if he has one , in the way of any extra money. He has been paying off someone while working for the government, meaning he is a crook, liar, involved in blackmail and now will get off Scott free?
    NO WAY in HELL should he get away with the rest of his life made easier when he has ruined more than one life I'm sure. HE should be fined, using anything he has saved, any investments such as homes, cars, bank accounts, securities and donate it all to victims of sexual abuse and their families who had to go through with their children's torment, counseling and at least one death.
   Take this bastards money!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Duggar Family Mess, What WOUld You Do or WWJD ?

       It's easy to sit on the outside and say what you would do, what should be done and how you would handle it. Believe me, I am not a bleeding heart.
        As adults who have been child victims of teen age brothers and or male parents, this will be viewed differently. Right there, two views.
       As a mother who has protected the child molesters, another view.
As the teen molester, another view.

     They are all human views. Some much more passionate than others. I have had conversations about this topic with a family member concerning when a person goes to prison for this crime, they have paid the price, therefore making Megan's law, wrong. I on the other hand support Megan's law. The highest rate of a crime repeating itself  is pedophilia.

    If I were to be an outsider looking in as a doctor aka shrink, I believe it could be said Josh was a teen, and steps were taken, but not enough and not soon enough and the fact that it was kept with friends, another mistake, like the cop who now sits in jail for porn etc. As it's now seen on TV the parents try to make it sound as if "well it was just"...as soon as Jim Bob uses just, you know his lack of empathy, lack of walking in his daughters shoes and the other child, is solely to protect his son. It was a juvie record and should have stayed closed. Now that it's out, everyone will look at him like a monster and wonder about his own daughter. I do too.
    His sisters...did they really forgive him or under it all do they hate him. I bet we all want to look more closely at past shows to see how close the now older girls acted with Josh. We all want to go back and get a closer look. Sad.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Time Warner vs, FIOS Brooklyn NY

        Wow I have never read so much about how bad Time Warner is, also known as TWC. Bay Ridgeites are complaining all over  socail media which is great. It lets others know not to even start with TWC. Fios is getting hands up from everyone. Way to go FIOS !!!

Lifes' Balances and SHOW Me

        Boy have I been gone a while, in a few ways. A couple of days ago someone reminded me of a few very important things . Changes have been coming along anyway, but with changes come new insight into mistakes, some you can take back, some you can't or don't want to. I have learned it's never too late to chnage your mind if early enough in the process and you can go back and undo things. You can change your mind.
      That comes with, if others are involved, speaking to the right people in the right positions. Trust only those you've know for a lifetime or those you really know and really know well. Remember that phrase, "trust your instinct"? Please do. Lately I haven't been trusting mine and every time I have been wrong.
    I live in an area where I'm considered an outsider after raising my kids here, working here, buying a home here, yes still an outsider. I no longer care and haven't for years. Many people here as with everywhere else consider themselves to be Christians and yes, like many I have issues with that. Don't tell me show me. But again, I no longer care. There is one family close to me that has shown me, one. With that, I no longer care.
   It's the season of my life that I have found I need to do the right thing soley for me and one other person. Going back and forth with emotions, chnaging my mind, talking it over and again talking it over with a"right" person, things are now what they should be. I have found the balance in life.

BUY Internet MODEM 80. Stop RENTING from cable co.

 I just bought my own modem. Who ever your cable company is charges about ten bucks a month. Sears and other places sells MODEMS for 80-100. they last at least TWO YEARS so in one year you save 40.00 .  The following year 120.Also check other ISP services every once in a while. Many have lower prices. I am noticing that too many people are not happy with Time Warner, but way many people love FIOS. In my area I have had a hard time getting cable and didn't want a dish poking out of my house. Fios wasn't available for years, BUT it is now. I am sceptical with package deals that in small print at the end add, taxes, installation, equipment, service charges etc. All I need is Internet.
    I am on a family members phone plan and have and Antenna for TV. I get all of the main stations, ME TV and a few more, good enough. People, you need a hobby, Get away from paying for television or just buy an antenna. Oh I know, the kids like it-send them outside to play, buy board games, quiz books, checkers, take them to knitting classes, yard sales. Let them go back in time and find some kind of fascinating hobby or interest to invest in now rather than face their own DEPRESSION by sitting in front of TV all day. Let them volunteer in the neighborhood, a nursing home, sweet streets. Now,w go, make changes, I am.