Monday, March 31, 2014

16 Yrs. Married Love it Or List it Couple

       All I kept hearing with this couple was from the wife. She said repeatedly how the changes had to be made to KEEP her Husband. The Husband kept saying, I cant live with this and to be honest I didn't hear how this took off.
       What many couples don't realize is 17/seventeen years of marriage is the danger zone. So married sixteen years with two young sons, the wife and mother would be caught saying, well if this would keep him, that's what I want. She was happy a laundry area was being made to help her, but aah, again hubby says, I want a shower. Her face falls and again she said, if it will keep him, give it to him.
         How to you live like that being stripped of all self respect. Now he knows it too, so why does she need him so badly that she is willing on national television to belittle herself and raise him up so high as if he's Jesus.  Is it money, dependency, love, definitely not respect ?
         IF you saw how often she looked at him, flirty, over smiling as if she had to catch him again. She dressed nicer than he as if he no longer had to try but she had to try harder. He barely looked at her. IS this marriage already gone? Has he cheated or about too? Now that he knows how much she is willing to do to keep him, his head along with his thumb is extra large and the next thing in a skirt will take him away anyway. I would love the kids and list him !

Send Bieber Back To Canada

       Don't we have enough problems with so called celebrities  that we have to take all this baby crap from Justin B, or BABY BEIBER ? Whatever his name is. Seems more like a kid still in diapers and a person on their way to adulthood. Not even an American, why do we allow this? Well I guess if we allow so many illegal aliens/immigrants, at least Baby Beiber has a green card.
       Still, that's not good enough. Baby B, take the money you earned here, go back to Canada and trash your own country. Let's be rid of one more immature so called celebrity. Oh HOw do you spell his name Beib, bieb, baby ? WIpe your nose on the way out !

Friday, March 28, 2014

BIden Approves Law BREAKERS.

     Biden is nuts, plain Nuts along with anyone who agrees we are to allow undocumented immigrants have access to becoming a citizen. WHY? Because they are illegal immigrants. So many come to this country and the reward is, citizenship. Letting Biden & Pelosi pass this bill sends a message it's okay to keep coming in and stealing from our hard working US Citizens and the people who come to America legally.
    Let's take Biden, Pelosi and who ever else wants that bill to pass, drop them off in a country where so many come here and just do an exchange since he thinks it's so right-of course without any money, little belongs and only one or two family members. Let him live there with his wife, a kid, Pelosi, Obama and any other block headed numb skull who suggest it's okay to be an illegal immigrant because we will reward by becoming a citizen. Talk about jerks-he's number one!
        Shame on you Biden. All of you are old and know you won't be around to see your grandkids grow up in a society taken over by illegal immigrants so you do not care. Did you forget, Illegal means BREAKING the LAW ???  People who come through by way of decency, honor, and being legal earn that right.
         Those are the people we want our grandkids to grow up with and admire as law abiding US Citizens.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

KIeth & Mikaela=Cancer Battle, Newlyweds

I married my high school sweetheart after we graduated from college in 2011. Two years later, she was diagnosed with kidney cancer.
After 6 months of treatment at UC San Francisco, we are running out of FDA-approved options. There is, however, a promising line of research involving a new treatment which enables the body to attack the cancer by inhibiting a cloaking mechanism that tumors use to disguise themselves from the immune system. There's a race right now in the pharmaceutical world to develop these immunotherapies, called anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 immunotherapies, and Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck, and Genentech are each quickly developing their own immunotherapy drugs.*
These immunotherapies have demonstrated immense potential in previous trials on kidney cancer patients and could be FDA-approved 2015; however, Mikaela is ineligible for the current trials due to a variety of reasons. Sadly, we just don't have time to wait for these drugs to become FDA-approved.
After absorbing the blow of yet another clinical trial rejection, we consulted with oncologists at Stanford University Medical Center and were informed of the FDA's compassionate use option. We are still eagerly pursuing clinical trials, but at this point we've decided it's best to start mounting a compassionate use campaign as well.
We have identified an oncologist willing to oversee the compassionate use of one of these drugs once use has been granted. Now all we need to do is get Merck, Genentech, or Bristol-Myers Squibb to agree to provide this potentially life-saving medication!
We fully understand the risks with experimental medicine, but we have nothing to lose and much to gain. Your signature and those of your network will help us publicize our story and hopefully one of these companies will bite at the chance to be involved in the #WeGotThis community. I personally can't thank you enough for taking the time to engage with our cause.
Please share widely right now! If you have any media contacts who could help us get this link in front of more people, please put us in touch. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to stay in the loop!
Most importantly, please email me -- -- if you have any connections to decision-makers at Merck, Genentech, or Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Keith & Mikaela (get to know Mikaela a little better here)

Phil Robertson and Porn

       I am aware of all of the issues that people have with Phil Robertson making statements that he has. I liked the show, but seemed to get tired of it as it just appears to be more of the same and then I read Phil Roberson's statement about how men should marry very young women about fifteen. To me that hit a nerve and I felt it twisted, almost like a pedophile. Then two nights ago while looking around I almost watched a show. It's been a while and I had a kid sitting close by as I hear Phil Robertson saying, we ought to watch Porn miss Kay.He stod smiling with the remote in his hand. What the Heck is that to say when teen-age kids are watching. I'm sure many think it's funny and maybe he was just joking around. But where is his heart in the Christian world to say something like that, never mind if he actually does or doesn't watch porn.
      Phil, is TV going to your----?
This is the problem when you announce you're a Christian. People like me are waiting to be able to say, sure he's a Christian, listen to that. I am trying harder and harder every day to be a better person as I have kids around me, watching listening and paying attention to how I respond to things and that's enough of a reason to improve lives. But when you have millions of teens and families watching you, as a Christain role model, Phil Robertson, ya need to wake up a bit.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Christian School Discriminates? Becky Bowman

        Is this difficult? Timberlake Christian School feels eight year old Sunnie Kahle doesn't belong in their school because she looks and dresses like a boy. I just saw a picture of Becky Bowman, the Principal who kind of looks a bit mannish to me and she wears shoulder length hair, but had a dress on. She is also a grown adult not an eight year old kid.
        Here is where the problem comes in. The school has guidelines and maybe the grandparents who adopted their grand daughter didn't read them thoroughly and maybe when Sunnie started she wore her hair different and was sweetly dressed for the start of a new school, but I don't know. The article doesn't state when she started in that school.
     We all have to follow school rules and should this be an exception just because it's a Christin school? I know as soon as hear Christian we want to jump right in and say, who are they to judge? Jesus wore a dress/long garment, had long hair, as far as pictures depict, so now a Christian school is sitting in judgement against an eight year old ???
      Times are different. Now men wear pants and women wear dresses or do they? Is anyone going to check out the personnel at this Christain school to see what they wear on weekends? But that won't count anyway as it's what students are to wear and present them selves as during school, the keywords here are Present Themselves.
      If this was my child I would feel the same as the grandparents. Love does that. Yet on the school's side, they have rules just like public schools. It still seems off because of judging. Didn't Jesus say somewhere, let the little children come unto me and he who hurts a child hurts me?
    TCS-something to think about ?

Stephen Feuder N. California

       This limited article on line caught my attention and hopefully will get your attention too. It doesn't however mention which school in Northern California.
        Children are bullied every day and we all know by now some of the tragic outcomes and we also know too that schools appear to protect the bullies more than kids who are bullied, saying, it's one kids word against the other kid. Why would a kid make this up over and over again/ Repeatedly they are then bullied on line and in many instances the parents are also bullies.
       Stephen Fueder has now tried to take out a restraining order against the nine year old bully. Nine years old and a bully ? Yes and yes again. They get younger every day and many parents teach them saying stand up for yourself, get them before the get you and seem to egg them on to bully as a way for parents become proud.
       His son was punched in the face, if I read it correctly by this other kid who ran around a circle or track and on his return simply reached out and wham, right in the face. IT doesn't matter if I'm wrong about where he hit the other boy-but he did hit him.
       The school because of confidentiality won't give out the bullys' name. Understandable, and they also made a statement-we can't just expel and kick a kid out-BUT- I bet if this same boy hit a teacher, they would suspend him and probably bring charges, after all, teachers are more important than kids in those situations. Which in turn tells a kid, hey it's okay to beat and bully another kid, just not a teacher. We all are human, some less than others, but should have the same consequences per charge unless a person is mentally retarded or seriously mentally ill.
      Now this man Stephen Feuder has a son and I would think he should know the bully's name, but maybe not his last name. So does dad use ploys, like ask a bus driver something like oh, Kenny left his glasses at my house, but I forgot his address, or talk to a mailman or ask the school to contact mom and dad to have them call him. Then with caller ID now on most phones he has a start, all legal.
    Station KDFX is working on this to follow-up. I hope they help this father and son put a stop by allowing a restraining order. More parents need to do this because more and more schools are handling legal problems not allowing parents to bring charges as it is in my district. IS that like paying off the police or taking away our civil rights?
   Good Luck Stephen Fueder! I hope you win. Bullies need to be stopped before they grow into the likes of those in Prison and before we have another child take their own life, because parents are gutless with their bullying child or children.

Specific Ways to Improve Income

                 I am going to give, offer you positive way to bring more money into your home, your life, way of living to help you pay off your mortgage sooner and I am dead serious.
         Okay so most of you know all about, get an extra part time job. Well usually that part time job in you live in a big city cost more to get there and back again, leaving you making little towards that extra bill and so on. Living in the country, you know you need a car.
     So here are some part time jobs you don't want, newspaperman/woman, bartender, bodyguard, babysitter, unless it can be done in your home.
    My interest in putting this out there is because I was presented with it the same way, that I could consider it a part-time job, but there isn't anything part time about it. It is definitely full-time and can be very wearing. Here goes: Foster Care.
    Talk to your spouse or partner or if a single person, talk to your self. This take planning. You are bringing a child into your home you know nothing about, except for what is written on paper. As you go you learn more. Habits, sleeping, food, clothing , like, hates and more. So starting off, you can actually choose age, and gender as well as culture.
   When I started I was told I would be paid once a month and then it helped me beyond belief as I was single, worked full time in mental health, brought home very little and also worked part time as a youth advocate where I spent my whole measly check on the kids, but I enjoyed it very much.
    Adoption is another issue that comes up with foster care. You may be asked if you would consider being a pre-adoptive parent. Adoptive continue to get a monthly stipend for the child they adopt to help with financial needs and get this, which sounds awful. They want you to negotiate !!!
   Here is my advice if you think about checking into this. Look into foster care agencies. Do Not go right to Children and Youth. Children and youth barely pay you what might amount to babysitting for half a day. There are so many kids who need a home and you could be that one person or family who gives a child or children a chance at a whole brand new life. It isn't easy at all, but it is definitely worth it. Good Luck to  new foster parents. By the way, you can live in an apartment, home, mobile home, just not a tent:)

Lowes, Great Prices Flooring

       Of course you know I am not happy about Lumber Liquidators and so of course too this is why I have to, want to, need to promote Lowes. Yes, I am fully aware they don't need me, but this is about business practices.
        Anytime I needed to return anything at all to Lowes I would get an immediate refund. Lumber Liquidators is all over the country now, as big as LOWES, so why is it LL has such poor service with Refunds? ARE they expecting to CRASH and want to take our money with them? What are they so afraid of that they can't return a cash refund immediately?
        Well after all the hassle with LL, I stopped in at Lowes and they have floors not only just as nice, but better, a nicer variety, lit of well to a customer can really tell how that floor could work in a kitchen, or where ever. I have always loved Lowes. MY experience with LL just goes to show, stick with what you know. Lowes is a company I know and a company I will purchase all of my home needs from.
      As it's said, LOWES KNOWS.

5 Week Refund Paid Cash, LumberLiquidators

      Yesterday I had to return to Lumber Liquidators to get a refund of  22. and change. I was told the store does not have that much and deposited six cents the day before. So the company does not trust employees with any cash at all in the store. I had to change my order, per my mistake with Laminate verses Vinyl. On the phone the sales person said, yeah, ya don't want laminate if you expects spills. He was very nice about that.
      So as I said I would, went in the next day to change my order and get back a small refund. I PAID CASH. I found the new floor and then was told (It's showing not available but the Virginia warehouse has thousands of feet) of what I wanted. The salesperson said I would have to wait until May.
       No, I wasn't waiting until May, so I said I'll take a full refund. Then he said he had a friend who was a trucker driver and we could possible get it by next week. He and I talked about when I would know for certain and he said, I'll call you tonight with an answer. He called after the store closed and didn't have an answer as he relied on someone from the office in Shippensburg who didn't return his call.  Respect for employees? What happened to his friend the truck Driver? I guess I'll find out today when I go in for my full refund. The salesperson was nice and this is not his fault. I was not educated in the fact that Laminate is just like taking a picture and placing it over the floor materials, so you DO NOT WANT TO GET IT WET !
     But to have to wait FIVE  WEEKS for a REFUND when I Paid CASH???? This is bull crap. I am not the only one as I looked up the corporate site in VA, and there are many like myself who, no matter how they paid are waiting five weeks for a refund !!!
    Lumber Liquidators is a place to STAY AWAY from. My first and last EXPERIENCE-I'll stick to  LOWES :)

Monday, March 24, 2014

, Sign-up, Screw That

      Oh Please help me...why is it every time you want more info you have to sign in, sign up-sign off, get in, get on, get out!!!! Don't you just wish you never heard of technology, computers, phones, TV's, landlines, automatics this n' that. It's all too much. So what to do. Get out of town for a few days.
   But as you drive along you think, oh crap, I forgot my phone, no wait, I didn't want it in the first place, but what If I get a flat, how will I survive and then where the hell am I? Why isn't my GPS not working. I'll call that automatic car help thingy. Nooo, I don't have my phone.
   Then I remember, I brought along my bike. I push the car off to the side, unhook my bike and put my helmet on. No Bike Lane !!! SCREW that! I didn't have bike lanes growing up and I'll just make it work. Sirens. I hear sirens. I move as close to the edge but not good enough. A cop stops, pulls me over, gives me a ticket for riding a bike in a no bike zone and no headlight. So I start to tell the nice policeman about my plight and he says, sorry bub, gotta rush. Sure, but he had time to give me a Freakin' Ticket !!!
    Technology-thanks a lot.  Sign me, signing off after I sign out to put the TV on

Cancer, Insurance & YOU

       Today I saw a woman who looked only Vaguely familiar to me-yet she lives next door to me. She worse a wrapped hat and I felt as if i knew immediately, that poor woman must have cancer. She called out my name and then said, you don't recognize me without hair! She walked over to where I was standing and then told me of her past six months with chemo and dealing with an insurance company. All these years she has been healthy.
          She hasn't had to have anything in a way that would start to eat at the insurance but now that they need to pay out, what do they do? They are fighting things. She and I talked before I knew about the insurance company and I asked her if she's home, is insurance taking care of things because so many times I know they won't and social security disability would rather have people die before they start disability payments. It's in the news all the time.
        Then she told me, because her doctors want another look, another certain kind of test, the insurance company is giving her a hard time. STRESS is not needed at a time like this. So what does she do? Where and who does she go to, to fight this. I personally think, hand it over to a lawyer. All an insurance company needs is one LEGAL LETTER!!! That is worth all of the aggravation and stress that she doesn't need.
        Now as a neighbor, what can I do, or anyone? I can pray, but I can't insert myself into her battle other than let her know, if she needs a ride, if she needs someone to get meds or anything-call me. That's what you can do too and offer to make dinners if needed or not. Buy a gas card if she's too proud  to ask for a ride or anything else and just slip it into an envelope and hand it to her or mail it.
       Finally I don't know which insurance is giving this lady a bad time, but remember the phrase, There but for the grace of God go I.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Diamond Wireless Verizon, Samsung Galaxy111 grrr

       I'm sure you've heard of people who sublet apartments from original owners ? Well this is how it works with Verizon. Diamond Wireless sublets from Verizon. At least that's how I see it. So then who is really responsible for how Diamond Wireless treats people, does contracts, adds plans under someone Else's name and basically screws you over, has you sign another name in the family to "seal the deal".
        Recently my experience in York Pa. at a BJ's store was meeting the guy named Joe who sold me on a phone, a Samsung Galaxy111. Don't get excited. It didn't work right. Even my daughter tried it who knows about phones and now is stuck with a plan she never asked for, and neither did I by the way. Look up Diamond Wireless Lawsuits
       Shortly after I got the phone, she and I had beeps/ messages about how our data was all used up !!! Oh did I leave out that I asked for a basic phone? I said to Joe, something simple like this, just plain and basic. He's standing there putting the phone into a case I just bought and said, oh yeah this is easy, showed me how to turn it off and on, and unlock it by sliding my finger across it.
      As he put the phone in the case at and behind the counter I also asked for a car charger, bought that too with the case. Joe was very personable and I even gave him nice comments on the survey, but boy did he sell me a bill of good with upping my daughters plan and asking me to sign her name.
    When I get messages on this Samsung Galaxy111, they only come through part way covered up by the keyboard text and you cannot remove it. There are other problems, but the worst problem is, Joe will not take it back without the box. Diamond Wireless Verizon never gave me a box as I know a box to be. What I did get was a small brown carton that slides a product in or out. In that was a white plastic piece with the little red booklets. NOT A BOX! A Box has a cover on it!!!
     For that reason he will not allow me to return this piece of useless FTC piece of lacking communication "easy" ? hand held phone.  This is not basic, this is not plain, this is not simple all that I asked for. Please in the future save yourself and your wallet from being taken as I feel I have been, and deal only with the original company, not subletter's, and look up DIAMOND Wireless Lawsuits

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Teresa Caputo, Long Island Medium

       While I like the show, mainly because of having grown up in New York and relate to some things on the show, like food :)  I can't help feel suspicious even knowing Teresa tells of a childhood where she saw dead people and would talk to them. This a  very interesting subject.
       Here is why I'm suspicious. There was another medium and they all seems to say , You understand that? The person I'm talking about has a show in Vegas and he is very good also, but what I see now that connects the mediums is knowing who they are going to see and who is coming to them. Cameras follow them around, so Teresa knows she's going to read someone. One time she went into a thrift store-I think- but she knew the shop-so why would she know the people who worked there or have someone in/on her staff look them up and then research.
      She is invited to shows. People buy tickets to shows. Tickets are sent to those people with names and addresses, so if I were invited as part of an audience it would be very easy for Teresa's staff to look me up, after all here I am :)
       I do know there is something to having some kind of gift, doesn't matter how or that it's called a gift, but I do know and believe it. It would just be so nice to read a stranger, and sure have camera's available, but not right there, but to come in once a reading is finished and then ask the person Teresa read to, how did it go. People are always asked , did we ever meet, and of course no they didn't. People go to Teresa's home, and so it's so easy to search on line just about any one's history and families before they arrive.  Okay, enough. Now don't be a skeptic, but listen very carefully to mediums who use same phrases and much of what they say is common sense, like the letters on Wheel of Fortune-RSTLNE, letters in too many names. Then there is the generations of popular names, Italian names, Irish names etc. Get my drift ?
   My mother Only knows Grief, a statement used by Teresa to Tylers mothers. What mother doesn't know grief who lost their child? Could she read me ? I doubt it as everything about me is so available in my blog. Either way if people really accept this and feel better, that's what matters.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Your Fathers' Nose

       What is it about genetics and that phrase, oh, he looks just like his father or she looks just like her mother? Of course we know he or she can look like either parent. Why do generations carry that nose, those eyes or chin and why do so many want to have plastic surgery to remove traces of their family from their face?
         Okay, okay, I see your point about an apendage that looms over a nice pair of lips and I am not really judging those who choose to repair, change or straighten out a facial feature. I just wish people would wait longer to see how many people appreciate that cultural nose, that familiar pair of eyes, that same pair of ears. Love is love and there are many who love you just because you are a wonderful person and has nothing to do at all with looks, size or skin color.
         If you do want to rearrange your features, just take time to think about it. I know women do it every day by simply wearing make-up. They change their appearance. Look at celebrities when they remove their make-up. They don't even want to be caught in public. Why so ashamed of what your family freely gave you? Wear it proudly. I am not talking about weight here folks because weight is not heathy to carry those extra pounds around-no pun intended- Little by little it continues to overtake those teen type curves, muscles, finely lined chin/s and soon ya have a beach ball body and a stressful heart with weak knees, ankles and puffing away just to walk a few steps, never mind the cost of all that blubber.
        Well take care, say hello again to that fine nose, chin, eyes, lips, great hair-or no hair. yes, it is all character.

Monday, March 3, 2014

One Generation in Your Name?

       Names are so confusing in these times. Many years ago we identified with a name and able to tell a heritage. Now people of so many races have a same last name as well as cultures. My last name is important to me only because of my children. In that I am thinking of adding a name so I have both last names of my kids, all grown up as they are and probably wouldn't care. But I also identify strongly with my mothers last name as it's so cultural. It's Norwegian. My male parent as you can tell I hesitate to mention parent was Scottish and English. I minimally identify with that side, and mainly I am known to myself as a Viking !

     Here is why I write about this. A sad time ago, and not long ago a family member mentioned to my child that she's still a------- and always will be weather she likes it or not. I said nothing but it burned in me. This was at a funeral of a child, not the place nor time to get into crap, and I will never as I know if my child feels it necessary to correct anyone about her name, she will indeed. Both of my children are very strong about their side of history, family, lands and belonging, as am I.
    When you have name and you want your kids to be part of that name it should be a name you feel proud of. My childhood last name isn't something I would ever be proud of. Maybe I take it too serious and maybe it isn't the name, but a person or persons and those horrible growing up years.
    I'm sure many reading this understand that. Some things no matter how you change, no matter how you grow in spite of that family, just don't wash away.

    On another note. What about kids who are adopted ? Don't they have a right to have inserted somewhere in their name a family member they can trace. Aren't they owed some choice ? I know there are sucky parents who lose their kids and many kids don't want to find them but many do. In some sad situations it's a matter of mental health, yet I know people who over time change and receive the proper help, so why shouldn't a kid get a chance to know that parent. Then there are people so mentally unstable, they have a lot of kids who also carry the gene, become mentally unstable yet with today's Mental Health help, they have a better chance at MH improvement. So do they have a right o know who their parents are? Whew and I do take a deep breath as I write this-I don't know. It's all individual.
      Time to almost say good-night, sleep well, and make your name who you want to be. :)