Monday, March 24, 2014

Cancer, Insurance & YOU

       Today I saw a woman who looked only Vaguely familiar to me-yet she lives next door to me. She worse a wrapped hat and I felt as if i knew immediately, that poor woman must have cancer. She called out my name and then said, you don't recognize me without hair! She walked over to where I was standing and then told me of her past six months with chemo and dealing with an insurance company. All these years she has been healthy.
          She hasn't had to have anything in a way that would start to eat at the insurance but now that they need to pay out, what do they do? They are fighting things. She and I talked before I knew about the insurance company and I asked her if she's home, is insurance taking care of things because so many times I know they won't and social security disability would rather have people die before they start disability payments. It's in the news all the time.
        Then she told me, because her doctors want another look, another certain kind of test, the insurance company is giving her a hard time. STRESS is not needed at a time like this. So what does she do? Where and who does she go to, to fight this. I personally think, hand it over to a lawyer. All an insurance company needs is one LEGAL LETTER!!! That is worth all of the aggravation and stress that she doesn't need.
        Now as a neighbor, what can I do, or anyone? I can pray, but I can't insert myself into her battle other than let her know, if she needs a ride, if she needs someone to get meds or anything-call me. That's what you can do too and offer to make dinners if needed or not. Buy a gas card if she's too proud  to ask for a ride or anything else and just slip it into an envelope and hand it to her or mail it.
       Finally I don't know which insurance is giving this lady a bad time, but remember the phrase, There but for the grace of God go I.

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