Friday, March 28, 2014

BIden Approves Law BREAKERS.

     Biden is nuts, plain Nuts along with anyone who agrees we are to allow undocumented immigrants have access to becoming a citizen. WHY? Because they are illegal immigrants. So many come to this country and the reward is, citizenship. Letting Biden & Pelosi pass this bill sends a message it's okay to keep coming in and stealing from our hard working US Citizens and the people who come to America legally.
    Let's take Biden, Pelosi and who ever else wants that bill to pass, drop them off in a country where so many come here and just do an exchange since he thinks it's so right-of course without any money, little belongs and only one or two family members. Let him live there with his wife, a kid, Pelosi, Obama and any other block headed numb skull who suggest it's okay to be an illegal immigrant because we will reward by becoming a citizen. Talk about jerks-he's number one!
        Shame on you Biden. All of you are old and know you won't be around to see your grandkids grow up in a society taken over by illegal immigrants so you do not care. Did you forget, Illegal means BREAKING the LAW ???  People who come through by way of decency, honor, and being legal earn that right.
         Those are the people we want our grandkids to grow up with and admire as law abiding US Citizens.

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