Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Christian School Discriminates? Becky Bowman

        Is this difficult? Timberlake Christian School feels eight year old Sunnie Kahle doesn't belong in their school because she looks and dresses like a boy. I just saw a picture of Becky Bowman, the Principal who kind of looks a bit mannish to me and she wears shoulder length hair, but had a dress on. She is also a grown adult not an eight year old kid.
        Here is where the problem comes in. The school has guidelines and maybe the grandparents who adopted their grand daughter didn't read them thoroughly and maybe when Sunnie started she wore her hair different and was sweetly dressed for the start of a new school, but I don't know. The article doesn't state when she started in that school.
     We all have to follow school rules and should this be an exception just because it's a Christin school? I know as soon as hear Christian we want to jump right in and say, who are they to judge? Jesus wore a dress/long garment, had long hair, as far as pictures depict, so now a Christian school is sitting in judgement against an eight year old ???
      Times are different. Now men wear pants and women wear dresses or do they? Is anyone going to check out the personnel at this Christain school to see what they wear on weekends? But that won't count anyway as it's what students are to wear and present them selves as during school, the keywords here are Present Themselves.
      If this was my child I would feel the same as the grandparents. Love does that. Yet on the school's side, they have rules just like public schools. It still seems off because of judging. Didn't Jesus say somewhere, let the little children come unto me and he who hurts a child hurts me?
    TCS-something to think about ?

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