Sunday, March 9, 2014

Teresa Caputo, Long Island Medium

       While I like the show, mainly because of having grown up in New York and relate to some things on the show, like food :)  I can't help feel suspicious even knowing Teresa tells of a childhood where she saw dead people and would talk to them. This a  very interesting subject.
       Here is why I'm suspicious. There was another medium and they all seems to say , You understand that? The person I'm talking about has a show in Vegas and he is very good also, but what I see now that connects the mediums is knowing who they are going to see and who is coming to them. Cameras follow them around, so Teresa knows she's going to read someone. One time she went into a thrift store-I think- but she knew the shop-so why would she know the people who worked there or have someone in/on her staff look them up and then research.
      She is invited to shows. People buy tickets to shows. Tickets are sent to those people with names and addresses, so if I were invited as part of an audience it would be very easy for Teresa's staff to look me up, after all here I am :)
       I do know there is something to having some kind of gift, doesn't matter how or that it's called a gift, but I do know and believe it. It would just be so nice to read a stranger, and sure have camera's available, but not right there, but to come in once a reading is finished and then ask the person Teresa read to, how did it go. People are always asked , did we ever meet, and of course no they didn't. People go to Teresa's home, and so it's so easy to search on line just about any one's history and families before they arrive.  Okay, enough. Now don't be a skeptic, but listen very carefully to mediums who use same phrases and much of what they say is common sense, like the letters on Wheel of Fortune-RSTLNE, letters in too many names. Then there is the generations of popular names, Italian names, Irish names etc. Get my drift ?
   My mother Only knows Grief, a statement used by Teresa to Tylers mothers. What mother doesn't know grief who lost their child? Could she read me ? I doubt it as everything about me is so available in my blog. Either way if people really accept this and feel better, that's what matters.

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