Monday, March 24, 2014

, Sign-up, Screw That

      Oh Please help me...why is it every time you want more info you have to sign in, sign up-sign off, get in, get on, get out!!!! Don't you just wish you never heard of technology, computers, phones, TV's, landlines, automatics this n' that. It's all too much. So what to do. Get out of town for a few days.
   But as you drive along you think, oh crap, I forgot my phone, no wait, I didn't want it in the first place, but what If I get a flat, how will I survive and then where the hell am I? Why isn't my GPS not working. I'll call that automatic car help thingy. Nooo, I don't have my phone.
   Then I remember, I brought along my bike. I push the car off to the side, unhook my bike and put my helmet on. No Bike Lane !!! SCREW that! I didn't have bike lanes growing up and I'll just make it work. Sirens. I hear sirens. I move as close to the edge but not good enough. A cop stops, pulls me over, gives me a ticket for riding a bike in a no bike zone and no headlight. So I start to tell the nice policeman about my plight and he says, sorry bub, gotta rush. Sure, but he had time to give me a Freakin' Ticket !!!
    Technology-thanks a lot.  Sign me, signing off after I sign out to put the TV on

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