Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Specific Ways to Improve Income

                 I am going to give, offer you positive way to bring more money into your home, your life, way of living to help you pay off your mortgage sooner and I am dead serious.
         Okay so most of you know all about, get an extra part time job. Well usually that part time job in you live in a big city cost more to get there and back again, leaving you making little towards that extra bill and so on. Living in the country, you know you need a car.
     So here are some part time jobs you don't want, newspaperman/woman, bartender, bodyguard, babysitter, unless it can be done in your home.
    My interest in putting this out there is because I was presented with it the same way, that I could consider it a part-time job, but there isn't anything part time about it. It is definitely full-time and can be very wearing. Here goes: Foster Care.
    Talk to your spouse or partner or if a single person, talk to your self. This take planning. You are bringing a child into your home you know nothing about, except for what is written on paper. As you go you learn more. Habits, sleeping, food, clothing , like, hates and more. So starting off, you can actually choose age, and gender as well as culture.
   When I started I was told I would be paid once a month and then it helped me beyond belief as I was single, worked full time in mental health, brought home very little and also worked part time as a youth advocate where I spent my whole measly check on the kids, but I enjoyed it very much.
    Adoption is another issue that comes up with foster care. You may be asked if you would consider being a pre-adoptive parent. Adoptive continue to get a monthly stipend for the child they adopt to help with financial needs and get this, which sounds awful. They want you to negotiate !!!
   Here is my advice if you think about checking into this. Look into foster care agencies. Do Not go right to Children and Youth. Children and youth barely pay you what might amount to babysitting for half a day. There are so many kids who need a home and you could be that one person or family who gives a child or children a chance at a whole brand new life. It isn't easy at all, but it is definitely worth it. Good Luck to  new foster parents. By the way, you can live in an apartment, home, mobile home, just not a tent:)

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