Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stephen Feuder N. California

       This limited article on line caught my attention and hopefully will get your attention too. It doesn't however mention which school in Northern California.
        Children are bullied every day and we all know by now some of the tragic outcomes and we also know too that schools appear to protect the bullies more than kids who are bullied, saying, it's one kids word against the other kid. Why would a kid make this up over and over again/ Repeatedly they are then bullied on line and in many instances the parents are also bullies.
       Stephen Fueder has now tried to take out a restraining order against the nine year old bully. Nine years old and a bully ? Yes and yes again. They get younger every day and many parents teach them saying stand up for yourself, get them before the get you and seem to egg them on to bully as a way for parents become proud.
       His son was punched in the face, if I read it correctly by this other kid who ran around a circle or track and on his return simply reached out and wham, right in the face. IT doesn't matter if I'm wrong about where he hit the other boy-but he did hit him.
       The school because of confidentiality won't give out the bullys' name. Understandable, and they also made a statement-we can't just expel and kick a kid out-BUT- I bet if this same boy hit a teacher, they would suspend him and probably bring charges, after all, teachers are more important than kids in those situations. Which in turn tells a kid, hey it's okay to beat and bully another kid, just not a teacher. We all are human, some less than others, but should have the same consequences per charge unless a person is mentally retarded or seriously mentally ill.
      Now this man Stephen Feuder has a son and I would think he should know the bully's name, but maybe not his last name. So does dad use ploys, like ask a bus driver something like oh, Kenny left his glasses at my house, but I forgot his address, or talk to a mailman or ask the school to contact mom and dad to have them call him. Then with caller ID now on most phones he has a start, all legal.
    Station KDFX is working on this to follow-up. I hope they help this father and son put a stop by allowing a restraining order. More parents need to do this because more and more schools are handling legal problems not allowing parents to bring charges as it is in my district. IS that like paying off the police or taking away our civil rights?
   Good Luck Stephen Fueder! I hope you win. Bullies need to be stopped before they grow into the likes of those in Prison and before we have another child take their own life, because parents are gutless with their bullying child or children.

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