Thursday, March 6, 2014

Your Fathers' Nose

       What is it about genetics and that phrase, oh, he looks just like his father or she looks just like her mother? Of course we know he or she can look like either parent. Why do generations carry that nose, those eyes or chin and why do so many want to have plastic surgery to remove traces of their family from their face?
         Okay, okay, I see your point about an apendage that looms over a nice pair of lips and I am not really judging those who choose to repair, change or straighten out a facial feature. I just wish people would wait longer to see how many people appreciate that cultural nose, that familiar pair of eyes, that same pair of ears. Love is love and there are many who love you just because you are a wonderful person and has nothing to do at all with looks, size or skin color.
         If you do want to rearrange your features, just take time to think about it. I know women do it every day by simply wearing make-up. They change their appearance. Look at celebrities when they remove their make-up. They don't even want to be caught in public. Why so ashamed of what your family freely gave you? Wear it proudly. I am not talking about weight here folks because weight is not heathy to carry those extra pounds around-no pun intended- Little by little it continues to overtake those teen type curves, muscles, finely lined chin/s and soon ya have a beach ball body and a stressful heart with weak knees, ankles and puffing away just to walk a few steps, never mind the cost of all that blubber.
        Well take care, say hello again to that fine nose, chin, eyes, lips, great hair-or no hair. yes, it is all character.

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