Monday, March 17, 2014

Diamond Wireless Verizon, Samsung Galaxy111 grrr

       I'm sure you've heard of people who sublet apartments from original owners ? Well this is how it works with Verizon. Diamond Wireless sublets from Verizon. At least that's how I see it. So then who is really responsible for how Diamond Wireless treats people, does contracts, adds plans under someone Else's name and basically screws you over, has you sign another name in the family to "seal the deal".
        Recently my experience in York Pa. at a BJ's store was meeting the guy named Joe who sold me on a phone, a Samsung Galaxy111. Don't get excited. It didn't work right. Even my daughter tried it who knows about phones and now is stuck with a plan she never asked for, and neither did I by the way. Look up Diamond Wireless Lawsuits
       Shortly after I got the phone, she and I had beeps/ messages about how our data was all used up !!! Oh did I leave out that I asked for a basic phone? I said to Joe, something simple like this, just plain and basic. He's standing there putting the phone into a case I just bought and said, oh yeah this is easy, showed me how to turn it off and on, and unlock it by sliding my finger across it.
      As he put the phone in the case at and behind the counter I also asked for a car charger, bought that too with the case. Joe was very personable and I even gave him nice comments on the survey, but boy did he sell me a bill of good with upping my daughters plan and asking me to sign her name.
    When I get messages on this Samsung Galaxy111, they only come through part way covered up by the keyboard text and you cannot remove it. There are other problems, but the worst problem is, Joe will not take it back without the box. Diamond Wireless Verizon never gave me a box as I know a box to be. What I did get was a small brown carton that slides a product in or out. In that was a white plastic piece with the little red booklets. NOT A BOX! A Box has a cover on it!!!
     For that reason he will not allow me to return this piece of useless FTC piece of lacking communication "easy" ? hand held phone.  This is not basic, this is not plain, this is not simple all that I asked for. Please in the future save yourself and your wallet from being taken as I feel I have been, and deal only with the original company, not subletter's, and look up DIAMOND Wireless Lawsuits

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