Monday, April 27, 2015

GLTS B ? I'll tell you what to do....

       Okay so I may not know all of the letters and what they stand for, but people, come on. Gay, Straight, Lesbian Transgendered, bi-sexual all sound to me in a same way Black people were identifying their race.  Remember the slogan, Id' rather fight than switch, good, good for everyone, but who cares except the person who is what they are, who they are, and their family and friends. Why do people feel they have to identify the gender, sexual orientation. You are a person who counts. That's what matters.
     Now what really matters is that you, me, us, them, all live in an AMERICA by a President who only focuses his attention on persons of a racial divide and people who have a sexual orientation and have fought for rights. WHY? Because he is not a President for the human race, for people, hurting people everywhere, every faith, every and any gender, any disability. He is a president for the vote. Sounds Like Hillary Clinton and her cronies. It isn't that we need a woman president but a PRESIDENT who loves this country, doesn't side with the enemy, cares about individuals and their needs, communities and education and our armed forces.
    If you think you have problems now because of race and all the other stuff listed, wait until ISIS. and all of the terrorists take over and look at how China is buying up American Properties, businesses, too much overseas.
     Now Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, etc etc etc, Black Communities, Hispanics Communities and Chinese communities-listen up, I don't give a freak what you are, who you are, only that you are good American citizens. If you want to do something progressive, something to make people stand up and pay attention, start SAVING AMERICA !
      We have so many populations of nationalities and people who want to do their own thing, get their own degrees and live In a me, me , me society. All that's good to a point. The point is when does that greedy mind set stop? I'll tell you when. When you start thinking more of your country. YOU have enough of, for example, Starting with me...Norwegian people. Norwegians are known to knit and have cultural foods, restaurants, family stores. But of course not all Norwegians.
     So you think you don't have any money or credit to start an AMERICAN business, but I bet a group can. Get together with six to ten good friends, start a business, making clothes, baby food, natural foods, Information help centers, Car services , cleaning services and imagine this. Lets say you have a group of ten who all have different attributes/talents, Pair up with ten more with the same talents. Now you have twenty. Two plumbers, two cooks, two for car service, Two animal care-takers, two Cleaners...get my drift?
    NOW get AMERICAN. Lets take it back instead of fighting one another, fight to keep the USA a country with the people and for the people. Have an AMERICAN day ! Excuse my lousy typing, chubby fingers...hey there's another idea, a chubby chaser and I don't mean one fat person looking for another. I mean a trainer chasing a chub to do what's needed. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Freddie Gray Protesters? Are You For Real?

       When is it going to stop? You protesters who loot, steal and destroy are not protesters at all. You are nothing but criminals, using a mans death as an excuse to carry out what you do normally or want to do to steal something you see in a store window. What did those store owners do to you or Freddie Gray? Not a thing? How does stealing affect a mans' death ? It doesn't.
      Real and honest protesters march, write letters, go to meetings, vote, form committees and make those who haven't done what they should have done accountable! If you feel store owners are for some insane reason responsible, then you take legal action, but those who smash windows, steal, set fires, bust up cars, beat up innocent people, cause destruction, are nothing but low life trash looking for  a reason, an excuse to make what people say about you TRUE ! You're not protesting or supporting the family of the victim here. You are just like the garbage that sit in prison waiting for  a trial and I don't care what your color is, but I do care what your actions are.
     What happened to that man was criminal neglect in my opinion. Because he stood and turned his head it was assumed he was faking, but how many times to we see on television, yes television, and in our own streets, that medical attention is sought right there and then when a prisoner needs help. Sometimes if its obvious it isn't severe in an obvious manner, a prisoner is taken to the hospital. This man looked to me almost cripple and should not have been moved until an ambulance arrived.
     Stop your lazy, lame ass excuses for pilfering and hoodlum terrorist acts, grow up and do something honorable.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Surburban Bowlerama York Pa. Queen st. AWFUL Child Treatment

       Today I took a young child bowling at Suburban bowling on Queen street in York Pa.. Stopping at the desk a young man about twenty greeted us with, what can I do for you? I said we need an alley. He asked how many games? That was new to me and i soon learned I had to prepay. I guess they've been cheated many times to do that.
       So I told him just for the boy and two games. He takes out a small white paper with lines and a pencil for me to fill out and I ask, what's this for, he takes it back, says never mind, just never mind. I said okay.
So He tells me it's six dollars for two games. I paid and asked for a receipt, which I never do. He also asked the boys name. Just before taking my money another clerk who was standing over by the end of the desk, who was also eating, decides to come to where I was standing with the younger clerk. He asks the younger guy, what's up as he was wiping his hands, leaving what looked like a few fries on his cardboard holder. He also had a huge beverage, but looked like he finished. The younger guy says, nothing, I got it. So I take the little guy over to the alley. When we get there, there is a totally different set-up then what I've seen before as we usually go to a great bowling alley. I knew nothing about the set-up and neither did the little boy, so I sent him up to the desk to ask for someone to show him how.
      Here is what he was told: Read the directions!
Now that's classy. This clerk, a chubby guy with glasses, half bald, a well trimmed beard around the outer line of his face could not be bothered by a child, a consumer, a customer. This clerk did now know if this child could read or not, had disabilities or not. As it turned out it was fairly easy, which IS NOT THE POINT.
       Because I am in the location many times, I thought it would be nice to try this bowling alley as I used to take kids there years ago. Never again. As I sat fuming, steaming, feeling my face get red at that clerks lack of responding to a little boy, I started digging in my pocket, pulled out the receipt. The receipt showed 5.99
not 6.00. So that younger clerk didn't even bother to offer me a penny refund/change.
     I still sat and wondered what to do, but knew how upset I was, should remain sitting to cool down. Then I see the chubby clerk walk to the employee office and looked like he was carrying an tray, but not sure. So he was able to come to see what the younger clerk was doing when he was almost finished his lunch, and he was able to go to the employee office, but not to help out a little boy.
      Then I got up. My little guy was at the end of his first game. I went to the desk and spoke to both men. The younger guy said concerning the penny, "most people don't care about a penny". WOW! Sure it's just a penny! So did he even offer that, just a penny to anyone? Does he pocket all of those just a penny" at the end of the night" Does someone else pocket all of the "just a penny"? How much are all those pennies at the end of the night that people don't care about? I took the penny.
    Now to face the chubby bald guy with glasses and a beard. No matter what I said, all he would respond with was, I was eating my lunch. I let him know how wrong he was to tell a kid," read the directions".
Kids with mental health disabilities and kids from special Olympics as well as adults with the same problems cannot always "read the directions"
     Here is how it ended: remember my little guy was at the end of the first game when I went up to address these two , men? At the sixth frame of the second game beard man comes over smiling and asks, so how's everything doing here, get everything worked out okay? If I can do anything let me know? My little guy with his  issues, just smiles and points to his shoes. I ignored this guy. The boy finished and we left. I will never ever step foot in that place again if it's the only bowling alley left in Pennsylvania.
    When we left, I took him to Colony Park lanes North where we usually go. I vented the latest issues to a couple of employees. My little guy has never ever been treated like less than someone who counts as a consumer buying a product at Colony Park Lanes north. People there treat everyone equally. You can tell when someone isn't feeling well, or possible is having an off day, just not with it and would rather be home. Still with all of that, they put on a smile, hard as it may be and treat people with respect, never one to say, READ THE Directions, as they did at Suburban Blowerama on Queen street in York.
    Thank you Colony Lanes North, Deb, Jen, Andy, the maintenance men, Jean, the lady with the long dark hair, snack bar people, and by the way, I am so glad I wanted to get there today to Oder great salads, sodas, and a pizza.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Feminist "Clermont N.E. Middle School, Ohio is Offensive

     I couldn't believe what I read this morning. A principal decided the word on a teen tee shirt was offensive and has it blurred out. Who paid for the picture is what is also at stake here. That wasn't mentioned. Most school pictures that  I know of are paid for by the students family. If a principal is going to find a word like feminist offensive, then maybe the school should either pay for the photos or stand by when the photos are taken, make announcements prior to, to the kids to have an extra plain shirt ready to change into, or get shirts pre-approved prior to photo day.
     What Kendra Young did was offensive. Why? What does she have against feminism? What does she have against that female who wore the shirt. In the article the superintendent chimes in with other things were blurred out too such as a hand gesture which, in the way it was written was not made clear if the same young lady did that or another student. We all know giving the finger means "F" you, so I get blurring that out. But Feminist? Come on people, that s so old. What are you afraid of ,a kid named Sophie Thomas? 
                                             Who paid for the picture? 
Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist ! Although I am  not a Feminist, I stand with Sophie Thomas.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

ARMPITs and Onions

       ewwww...who knew ? Have you ever smelled your armpits? Don't lie, of course you have . Hey we all need a little humor. So the last year, off and on I've gone without deodorant. Why you ask, okay so ya didn't. Telling you anyway. There is so much information about women and cancer coming from aluminum in deodorant and we spray it right into the pits. Now that's the pits! Men also get breast cancer.
       Who do I care enough about that I want to take chances of using things that are bad for me, verses an onion smell ? Better yet, who care enough about me ? Yup that's what it smells like, onions ! Not red, maybe yellow? Oh hell I don't know since I don't like onions anyway. But now I think some may think I'm carrying a bag in my pit zone.
     Watch the eyes. It's they eyes that tell you if they think you're stealing onions. Life in the pits. Stay healthy people, and be happy. Life is too short.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ben Afleck , Henry GAtes, HE didn't do it

         Okay Ben Affleck or is it Afleck tried to hide his family history. Dr. Gates asked his supervisors if he should and they said no. Gates never should have had to ask. That in itself offers a question about ethics. Would they hide other facts if the person seeking family history is related to someone at PBS ? Someone who didn't want the history out there? The fact that Ben is a "megastar" is supposed to make a difference because a celebrity money it appears by Henry Gates.

       Here's where I stand. Baby Bens' mistake was asking to have his family history of slave ownership hidden. WHY? This is his family's history, not him! Trying to hide these kinds of things makes it appear that reparations are owned  This generation never owned a slave, nor did the last generation...and I don't know further back than that. Ben you owe nothing except maybe some guilt over trying to keep it hidden. If you didn't want the public to know, this is a show not to go on.

     NOW we see that celebrities can, have and will continue to get special treatment, all because they have money, and that's the worst part of this whole story. One TV anchor stated how much good Ben does. Sure and he also makes sure it's publicized. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015


           I just heard Tennessee lost to Mexico to make Ford vehicles. THANK YOU FORD !  I was on my way to a Ford Dealer to buy a brand new truck and heard that news, and quickly turned around. So I guess Chevy is close to or the only one who is still making an American made vehicle?
     Why FORD? Mexico treats the US citizens like garbage. We should not even be allowed to travel to Mexico. When US kids go there to drink and party, end up being raped and jailed, the Mexican police only cause more trouble and then there are the drugs. Ford, you know all of this. IS this the respect you have for the United States of AMERICA?
    US Citizens should not be allowed to travel to countries that treat us like garbage, that have no respect for women, that treat our religion with disgust, that terrorize AMERICA, that hide weapons and bottom line hate AMERICA!
   Why do we even deal with low life countries, much less give them contracts to make our
 products ?
                                  FORD-you should be ashamed of your selves along with all of the other businesses who have taken jobs from US Citizens but want US citizens to buy your shit!

  I now believe Fix Or Repair Daily will be more true than ever before.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

KIm Russo=LOL as well as

       When I first saw Kim Russo on a TV commercial I thought it was Teresa Caputo, two long island mediums. I can't stand fakes, and maybe Teresa isn't completely and maybe Kim Russo isn't a complete fake, but they interview people knowing who they are ahead of time, so you can't tell me they don't research every bit of info.
           Kim Russo sounds more realistic as she asks questions bring that guest into the story, making them feel more included and asking if they too have that gift.
      Here is why I do believe some certain things about those kinds of people. Here we go...I used to have dreams about my on, always came true, and Thank God who I believe allowed me to have those dreams, a way for me to be prepared for what was to come one awful night.
      I also had a dream on Good Friday about a man who went into a come and died on Easter Sunday. My dream was all about that and it ended up, that happened just that way, so much so I woke early, and my daughter woke up and said mom, you know how you are, you have to call. I couldn't bare to know this man passed away. I waited months thinking I could handle it better.
     Who knows? It's just when a person who "talks to the dead" makes appointments with people, can search them up the wazoo and find out so much and Teresa Caputo's faces, dramatic faces, such baloney acting surprised. I'm sure they made a lot of dough. There's isn't anything she could tell me about me that she couldn't search.
    The actress who is now on,, Paranormal Acitvity with lights off and on..weird. A short in the wiring? Who knows?

Hell is Forcing American Students2 Learn ISLAM

        JUDAISM was here way before Islam, so were CATHOLICS, LUTHERANS, GREEK Greek ORTHODOX, MORMONS, 7TH DAY ADVENTISTS, AND I'm sure others...
      But now here we have Islam trying to force themselves, beliefs, cultures down the throats of Americans.
THEY are supposed to Learn our ways, not the other way around. Parents take your kids home. You work and can't? Yes you can. look into forming religious groups and send your kids to religious schools. Can't afford that? Find a religious school you can afford that teaches American cultures and religions, not the culture of people who came to AMERICA on 9/11.
     Look into AMISH schools, start home schooling, live more modestly and teach your own kids.
Do Not allow them to be brainwashed by being forced to learn islam, the culture who bombed Boston, crashed a plane in Pennsylvania and into a government building.
   I am not saying that whole culture is terroristic, but look at this as a whole. Yes, we have had the Timothy Mc Veighs, but nothing has ever measured up to the terrorist culture that is brainwashing our kids to join ISIS and ISlam=both start with IS. These are people who form massive groups, group thinking, bond together and now they want to STEAL the MINDS of AMERICAN CHILDREN. As an AMERICAN, I PRAY TO JESUS, GOD, The HOLY SPIRIT that "that" other religion? does not DESTROY AMERICAN Children.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Preachers ? of Detroit

        This show popped up as I flipped through channels wanting to just pass time until I met an appointment.
Now I had to try to keep in mind that this is a TV show, which means for entertainment purposes, so what is true and what isn't. I see the same things in the lives of these people as I do in everyone else, but as an outsider looking in, you never expect marital problems, well that is if you live in fantasy land. They are human.
      But how to you have a Christian marriage when the people live apart more than together ? Now that the faces are on TV I bet there will be women coming forward telling bedroom stories, and maybe some men, who knows ? There will be bedroom stories that have gone on for years. No offense heavy weights, but when you have a man as handsome as Gil, and the wife is busy with her stature, Gil "lives" in North Carolina, well built, attractive, great smile, what does he have to come back to ?
    Okay, okay, this is just one persons opinion. Maybe it's time she took a few trips with him or gives up the remainder of the marriage in favor of the marriage by moving with him to North Carolina.He did for her, for the family and sure her job was supporting the family as I understand it, and both agreed, but come on now lady, show some real Godly Love for your husband.
         Can you imagine going with him to North Carolina, visiting his places, restaurants, maybe a few clubs, know, really know his friends and look at the different ways ladies look at him. Some might look very knowingly, some with interest and few without any interest at all. Ah just heard, her name is Corletta. So she has had  a career where she is number one and now Corletta, make your husband number one ! Yes Bishop she should be doing ministry in North Carolina, however she just reminded one lady that she told her husband, "don't make me choose" which was years ago, but I think this lady loves the attention of being "on top".
      Gil, time to...? Hey maybe he already has... a new wife, life, lady in the shady ?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Brandy Glanville, Eddie C. Had to happen

         I know we all know what we see on TV isn't the whole picture, but if seeing the meanness as I view it and in my opinion, no surprise Eddie had to look elsewhere. Her whiny voice alone would send shivers up and down, across any one's spine. She is an interloper, instigator, home wrecker and she calls Eddie and his wife home wreckers. It in many cases takes two and I feel, in my opinion it took Brandy G as the instigator in that marriage to drive Eddie to peace.
     She states she doesn't want to break up a family concerned with Kyle and Kim, but she knows she is not being honest. That's all she's done in front of cameras, imagine what she does behind them.
       Class is Lisa V, Kyle, forgot the new lady. Mrs. Van Patten? and I do see Kim split between class and Brandy.


    UTAH just disapproved a vets license plate because it has the number 69 in it !!!! Come on UTAH ! We know your a Mormon state but how is it you have such a dirty mind, or maybe you don't have vets ? It was the year 1969 of this vets involvement in the war. He wanted to honor that.
                        Arnold Breitenback is a VIETNAM war vet who simply wanted personal license plates, plated which honored his Viet Nam Vets as well I'm sure himself. After all people, we know people ask about personalized plates and we also know the number 69 has a sexual connotation to it. But of all states, UTAH to make this illegal.
        So I have come to the conclusion that UTAH which has many families who practice polygamy does not have a sense of humor which is a good way to look at that is any "way"  to look at it at all. Or UTAH is very judgemental, hypocritical, against vets, wont support our vets which it turn supports our AMERICAN freedoms and protects your right in UTAH to not allow the number 69. SO UTAH, ya better take 6 and 9 out of your schools

Monday, April 13, 2015

Now Disappointed with Clay AIken-NEW

      Someone named/titled Freaknation(says it all? ) commented about basing Clay on what he stands for not who he supports, like Hillary. I never knew what he stood for as I only saw him on his TV show about Running and his opposition died the following day, although Clay did win, and I think, not sure, somehow he ended up losing, but I never knew what he stood for. I saw him shake a lot of hands, never telling those same people what he stand s for, but I wanted him as a fresh young trustworthy man, a teacher who as I saw over the years, appeared to have character, honesty and decency, not one to swindle and all of what seems to happen with too many politicians.
      Yes, I changed  my mind knowing he supports Hillary as we all know by now the avalanche of dishonest things she's been involved in. It isn't like seeing a preacher with a crook who needs, asks, wants or tries to change. IT is for me, in my opinion like seeing a good guy who may still be looking to aspire for a political career, trying to make political connections, but in the wrong school.

 I was all for Clay Aiken when I saw him running for office because I thought he was a man for everyday people, against wrong doers. Now that I see him as he stated he wants Hillary to win because we need her to be folksy ? WHAT the Hell is that? What kind of a comment is that ? Folksy? How about HONESTY?

     Hillary Hell is enough. Clay Aiken, people have made too many mistakes voting because a candidate supports one group or people or another. Sure she'll hang out with you. You're rich. But do you think you'll see her slumming with the GLTG bi-sexual crowds who live in poverty, ? Well maybe one time, to get the vote. I'm not for one party or another, but I am against leaders who appear more like a communist than an AMERICAN. I am for leaders who live an open book life, not hiding and deleting e mails, not against the men who died at Benghazi and state, can we just get over this (to that effect) The death of Partner Foster, land deals. SHE IS DIRTY  ! How she sleeps at night, who knows, but you? A young man who is intelligent wants Hillary in because why ? Because she is for the GAY VOTE and that is sad.
     Why can't you stand up, be honest with who you are and vote for an AMERICAN without hidden agendas. Man or woman, it doesn't matter to me, but what does matter is to have a President who deeply cares, who would give their life for their country, who wants to help all of society, who wants to strengthen our country once again, not sleep with the enemy and whose background you can look into and know you have someone you will be honestly honored to stand with and say, I voted for this President. I want a President who will love our country, our people, our education system, our armed services, our AMERICA !

Hillary HATES Average Whites-Stupid Women

       In listening to a few news stations , the same message is being repeated, so this is not one stations' opinions or facts, but at least four.
        Across the news is the fact that she is enticing Hispanics, African Americans, gays, and women . So to me, she thinks those people are plain STUPID. Hillary must think they don't know better so, in effect, I'll go after their votes.
       Nothing mentioned about average white people, average anyone and of course we know she'll go with the party. That's how anyone gets into office. They do what the party wants to get the votes, so is her party blind to group those she is favoring as one and the same people ?
    Does she think because a person is gay, they all think alike ? The same with Hispanics and African Americans...she must think they all think alike, don't have a second thought/brain to think as an individual. She also much think all women think alike. Stupid women, can't you think for yourselves ?
How else, what else can she be thinking. Hillary has money and plenty of it and she is arrogant enough to Think that the groups of people don't care about her illegal activities, how she treated those connected to Benghazi, what she's done to hide e mails, her land dealings and so much more.
         What does she really care about ? Her self, her stature, her money, her position, maybe Bill if he isn't cheating, and of course her daughter.
But does she CARE, Really CARE about you because you are GAY? 
NOT in my opinion. She only wants the vote so she treats you like a bunch of idiots.
WOMEN !  She is treating you like third class citizens when husbands were completely in control. Comments come out both side of her mouth, one  side for the vote and one side for the party, but nothing for the individual.
 Hispanics - Same thing goes-She is treating you as if you just became an American and owe it all to her so you owe her a vote.  How many people of the Hispanic culture are more American than Hillary ? Most in my opinion. Excuse me-I just heard a lady say I want to vote for Hillary because she's a women and I'm a women and I have a daughter. CAN YOU BE MORE STUPID ???
I need to end this as hearing such comments make me puke. Please take time. Vote as the person you are and measure the person you want in office. For example let's say you want to vote for "John" or "Mable" and you're a lesbian. Mable is a women and John talks big about the gay vote and all he'll do. Do you want someone who is of the mindset to only helps people who are gay or help the country as a whole? Possible a poor example but if you vote for someone who want the country to improve as a whole, so will you as a women, a man, a person who is Gay, Hispanics, African Americans, people with disabilities, immigrants and so that's the picture I want to leave you with.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Not Giving Up My Seat On a Plane

       Okay this has to do with an article I just read on the AOL screen. It was interesting as I think I've heard of this but not too sure so read almost the whole piece. Women are expected to give up their seats for an orthodox Jew so he won't be tempted by the women !  Maybe the women won't be tempted by them, as if this is a one way street ! One man stood in the isle twenty minutes because a lady wouldn't give up her seat, so he holds everyone up, putting the lady in a place of being stubborn, when it's actually the man who is stubborn.
       An easy solution for this is to buy seats early and then choose-and there is a"but". Suppose a woman decides to sit next to that man, and simply because it may be the last seat, or she wants to sit half way? Then what?  This article stated people don't want to offend other religions for fear. I get it. As for me, I am not giving up my seat. I am an AMERICAN.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Criminal Cops Killing Criminals ?

       Thank God I am not a parent on either side of this horrible issue. What the hell is going on? Are cops so fed up with crime, people getting away with anything, walking in and then out of courts and our political system? No, I am not malking nor looking for excuses, but am looking for reasons. How does a cop reason out in his mind, and I say his because I don't remember any female cops killing at this time, so how does he reason killing a criminal is okay?
       What is the overall cost of a dead man at the hands of a cop without any justification? These cops are losing, and have lost all sense of self control. No longer brothers of one another because the next cop will do the exact opposite. IS the enemy wearing a blue uniform? We tell our children to go right to a policeman when they are lost, afraid and more? Should we? Who can we trust and is this a complete black and white issue or a cop and criminal issue?
    This latest issue.. a back shooter is nothing but a coward! No reason at all for it. We know many get off for such crimes using a mental disorder, so let's go there for a moment. What is his history? Has he been to see a psychiatrist or department doctor for past abuse issues? I'm sure this will all be looked into. When he goes to prison, God help him. Because no one else will. HE only added more to tarnish the name of policemen everywhere.
    The man he killed, yes in my opinion a criminal, wasn't paying child support and two other crimes. But that isn't a reason or excuse to kill him, in the back while running away. On top of this I am sure his family will have a field day in court with lawsuits and the proof is in BLACK AND WHITE !
    The same for the guy who was caught on a stolen horse and beaten-black and white proof=Lawsuits.
The police need to be policed. They need psych evals quarterly and in many cases do not need to be policemen. The proof is in BLACK and WHITE !

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Clay Aiken, for CONGRESS ?

       I thought I made a mistake when I came across a show about Clay Aiken running for Congress in North Carolina. People are saying, but he's not a politician , but he's the guy from American idol. IF we want more "politicians"  just keep voting the way you've been voting. With that you can see the trouble AMERICA is in now. !!! Does Crisco's team play dirty by ripping out Aiken's signs?
     Keith Crisco is his opponent and he states he is the only one to win. Why? Because he has experience and a political career? He states he is a proud democrat-look who are democrats, Hillary for example, the president and ya know, it doesn't matter but yes I did want to point that out.
     IN this story people are saying who you should vote for as far as candidates , but think again. VOTE for yourself !!!
    I know, what, is she nuts, we're to vote for candidates. Look at it this way. If you really want and need life to change you really have to educate yourself. Make a list of  what you want in life as far as what's important, taxes, (gay marriages if that even comes up), education, home ownership, health care, religion?
Then Look up who is running and what they stand for, NOT what they say they stand for.
      I am retired, but if I was in North Carolina I would vote for Clay Aiken. A young man means more of an open view- not people who lie like Crisco saying Clay Aiken is a no show. The agreement was for him to show when he can, not at every whim of Pres. Obama or his pals. They only really wanted to use Aiken face and never mentioned a no show prior to this election so I ask- What are they afraid of ? People lie when they are afraid. Good going Crisco ! Is that what you're proud of ?
     Mr. Aiken, good for you. YOU can easily sit back and retire, not get involved, let everyone else do the work for our country which every ones "they" are doing a lousy job. I love my country and I will vote for you, if I lived there. I don't care if you're gay, straight, skinny or fat, while yellow, black or pink.. I only care that you keep your word, unlike a man who lies, or woman.
    Oh Kieth Crisco has companies overseas-IS that how much he loves AMERICA ? 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Stupid, Boring, not funny Skee Ball movie

       I should have known since myself and a kid were the only two in this-movie? Although that's happened before, but only because of the time, I have seen very good movies with just myself and a child, happy that movies were shown early. This was an attempt at being funny-did not make it at all, only boring.
      So here I bought two tickets the day before so we wouldn't have to stand on a line. I bust out laughing as I say that. This is also the only movie/documentary that ever started on time and the poor usher,when I told him it was the worst thing I ever viewed, said to me, but the poster shows that it's the best movie ever made. Poor guy. People do lie.This is more of an ego thing in my opinion, and it makes sense that it came from where it came from-that town. For this guy to say never give up on your dreams is so way past whats been said every day by movies, celebrities, every day people, politicians and even by the medical profession.
     I went to see it because I do love skee ball, but it doesn't love me. To have to stand in a certain position if you have a bad back, is far from enjoyable. Yet I still liked to play sometimes-now that I saw this, it's just a reminder that I no longer want to play. I'll have nightmares.
     After all this, please do not waste a dime on this attempt at movie/documentary making. I could see it in a different light if high school kids made it...but for  a forty-five year old man? Where is his reality ? Was it just pride so he can tell family and friends that hey, I got into the movies, and if that was the goal, congratulations, but others should not be punished by seeing that experiment.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Teresa Caputo, Long Island Island Meduim

       She is a mom and wife so of course I don't want to sound mean and hurtful because that does affect her family. Yet I have to voice my opinion as we know, no one has proof if she is honest about what she does or not. Look at the faces she makes, so very dramatic and always the same, open mouthed as if she's surprised and yet she keeps it that way for a long time, longer than when someone is genuinely surprised. Something else she does is and she has stated she does this when she feels a "spirit" coming in, but this isn't accurate. Those cute little mouth movements as if she chewing inside her lips, she does often and not always in the presence of someone she's going to "read".
     Teresa Caputo's drama is over the top. People who come to her home for a reading have appointments so they are now on TV being filmed live. Prior to the visit Teresa Caputo has their names and can easily look up history in many venues. One time she interviewed someone asking about a street or boulevard  being named after someone. Oh a shocker it was as if she couldn't have looked that up too. She is very good at what she does, but is it really real ? When she visits a home, she is invited and knows about the owners. That history is also easy to search.
      She could not read me except to guess things that happen in every one's life. A common questions she asks is, is your mom gone, your dad too? The people she asks are old! Common sense tells us all, that chances are, yup they're gone. She knows too, most of the people who she is invited to see with their guests and I am almost sure she is aware that there are people there who have lost loved ones, which makes sense.
   Tonight's episode with John the fireman who Teresa's father knows, is having a "reading". All things these people say are common things like John said, some person told him, his son was disappointed in him. Teresa asked, who's the young person departed? DUH, as if she didn't know. Kids talk about their sneakers a lot, their clothes, girls, hobbies. Yes I am skeptical and for her family, I apologize because I am aware people can come to us in dreams,  as realities and so I am aware and believe some, very few can possibly do what Teresa "does". Larry, you hair is beautiful, naturally  because you are and your wife is also. No harm, no foul.

Mr. Harding and The Twins

      I very much enjoy watching Sunday Morning every week. Today was much more enjoyable even with same repeat segments, because you see, in part it was about two little boys who had a fascination playing battleship which then became a fascination with planes, aircraft carriers and battleships. Sorry kids, I did forget your names, but I'm sure many people are very proud to see the hearts of each of you, and the respect you showed to Mr. Harding.
     Mr. Harding is a vet. The twins became fascinated with him once they discovered his name, what he was connected to and that he served during war-time. An elderly gentleman, Mr. Harding has all of his faculties and sat in a chair in a room awaiting a meeting with the twins. The twins enter, not knowing that man a distance away when suddenly one twin smile and asks, looking at Mr. Harding: Mister Harding? The man smiles an ocean wide as the smaller sized twin rushes to hug him and he keeps on hugging him as the other twin joins. You can see through out the personalities of these twins, not identical.
    The passion and emotion in the smaller sized twin is heartfelt. He shows it as emotions arise. Mr. Harding walked steps with the boys on ships, spoke about planes and in the interview showed his emotions too as he spoke to the boys about his war time, something he never spoke about before. Maybe it was all about timing, or simply all about the respect two very young boys who loved playing battleship, deeply had for a man,a man named Mr. Harding.