Sunday, April 26, 2015

Freddie Gray Protesters? Are You For Real?

       When is it going to stop? You protesters who loot, steal and destroy are not protesters at all. You are nothing but criminals, using a mans death as an excuse to carry out what you do normally or want to do to steal something you see in a store window. What did those store owners do to you or Freddie Gray? Not a thing? How does stealing affect a mans' death ? It doesn't.
      Real and honest protesters march, write letters, go to meetings, vote, form committees and make those who haven't done what they should have done accountable! If you feel store owners are for some insane reason responsible, then you take legal action, but those who smash windows, steal, set fires, bust up cars, beat up innocent people, cause destruction, are nothing but low life trash looking for  a reason, an excuse to make what people say about you TRUE ! You're not protesting or supporting the family of the victim here. You are just like the garbage that sit in prison waiting for  a trial and I don't care what your color is, but I do care what your actions are.
     What happened to that man was criminal neglect in my opinion. Because he stood and turned his head it was assumed he was faking, but how many times to we see on television, yes television, and in our own streets, that medical attention is sought right there and then when a prisoner needs help. Sometimes if its obvious it isn't severe in an obvious manner, a prisoner is taken to the hospital. This man looked to me almost cripple and should not have been moved until an ambulance arrived.
     Stop your lazy, lame ass excuses for pilfering and hoodlum terrorist acts, grow up and do something honorable.

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