Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Feminist "Clermont N.E. Middle School, Ohio is Offensive

     I couldn't believe what I read this morning. A principal decided the word on a teen tee shirt was offensive and has it blurred out. Who paid for the picture is what is also at stake here. That wasn't mentioned. Most school pictures that  I know of are paid for by the students family. If a principal is going to find a word like feminist offensive, then maybe the school should either pay for the photos or stand by when the photos are taken, make announcements prior to, to the kids to have an extra plain shirt ready to change into, or get shirts pre-approved prior to photo day.
     What Kendra Young did was offensive. Why? What does she have against feminism? What does she have against that female who wore the shirt. In the article the superintendent chimes in with other things were blurred out too such as a hand gesture which, in the way it was written was not made clear if the same young lady did that or another student. We all know giving the finger means "F" you, so I get blurring that out. But Feminist? Come on people, that s so old. What are you afraid of ,a kid named Sophie Thomas? 
                                             Who paid for the picture? 
Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist, Feminist ! Although I am  not a Feminist, I stand with Sophie Thomas.

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