Friday, April 17, 2015

Preachers ? of Detroit

        This show popped up as I flipped through channels wanting to just pass time until I met an appointment.
Now I had to try to keep in mind that this is a TV show, which means for entertainment purposes, so what is true and what isn't. I see the same things in the lives of these people as I do in everyone else, but as an outsider looking in, you never expect marital problems, well that is if you live in fantasy land. They are human.
      But how to you have a Christian marriage when the people live apart more than together ? Now that the faces are on TV I bet there will be women coming forward telling bedroom stories, and maybe some men, who knows ? There will be bedroom stories that have gone on for years. No offense heavy weights, but when you have a man as handsome as Gil, and the wife is busy with her stature, Gil "lives" in North Carolina, well built, attractive, great smile, what does he have to come back to ?
    Okay, okay, this is just one persons opinion. Maybe it's time she took a few trips with him or gives up the remainder of the marriage in favor of the marriage by moving with him to North Carolina.He did for her, for the family and sure her job was supporting the family as I understand it, and both agreed, but come on now lady, show some real Godly Love for your husband.
         Can you imagine going with him to North Carolina, visiting his places, restaurants, maybe a few clubs, know, really know his friends and look at the different ways ladies look at him. Some might look very knowingly, some with interest and few without any interest at all. Ah just heard, her name is Corletta. So she has had  a career where she is number one and now Corletta, make your husband number one ! Yes Bishop she should be doing ministry in North Carolina, however she just reminded one lady that she told her husband, "don't make me choose" which was years ago, but I think this lady loves the attention of being "on top".
      Gil, time to...? Hey maybe he already has... a new wife, life, lady in the shady ?

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