Tuesday, April 21, 2015

ARMPITs and Onions

       ewwww...who knew ? Have you ever smelled your armpits? Don't lie, of course you have . Hey we all need a little humor. So the last year, off and on I've gone without deodorant. Why you ask, okay so ya didn't. Telling you anyway. There is so much information about women and cancer coming from aluminum in deodorant and we spray it right into the pits. Now that's the pits! Men also get breast cancer.
       Who do I care enough about that I want to take chances of using things that are bad for me, verses an onion smell ? Better yet, who care enough about me ? Yup that's what it smells like, onions ! Not red, maybe yellow? Oh hell I don't know since I don't like onions anyway. But now I think some may think I'm carrying a bag in my pit zone.
     Watch the eyes. It's they eyes that tell you if they think you're stealing onions. Life in the pits. Stay healthy people, and be happy. Life is too short.

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