Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Clay Aiken, for CONGRESS ?

       I thought I made a mistake when I came across a show about Clay Aiken running for Congress in North Carolina. People are saying, but he's not a politician , but he's the guy from American idol. IF we want more "politicians"  just keep voting the way you've been voting. With that you can see the trouble AMERICA is in now. !!! Does Crisco's team play dirty by ripping out Aiken's signs?
     Keith Crisco is his opponent and he states he is the only one to win. Why? Because he has experience and a political career? He states he is a proud democrat-look who are democrats, Hillary for example, the president and ya know, it doesn't matter but yes I did want to point that out.
     IN this story people are saying who you should vote for as far as candidates , but think again. VOTE for yourself !!!
    I know, what, is she nuts, we're to vote for candidates. Look at it this way. If you really want and need life to change you really have to educate yourself. Make a list of  what you want in life as far as what's important, taxes, (gay marriages if that even comes up), education, home ownership, health care, religion?
Then Look up who is running and what they stand for, NOT what they say they stand for.
      I am retired, but if I was in North Carolina I would vote for Clay Aiken. A young man means more of an open view- not people who lie like Crisco saying Clay Aiken is a no show. The agreement was for him to show when he can, not at every whim of Pres. Obama or his pals. They only really wanted to use Aiken face and never mentioned a no show prior to this election so I ask- What are they afraid of ? People lie when they are afraid. Good going Crisco ! Is that what you're proud of ?
     Mr. Aiken, good for you. YOU can easily sit back and retire, not get involved, let everyone else do the work for our country which every ones "they" are doing a lousy job. I love my country and I will vote for you, if I lived there. I don't care if you're gay, straight, skinny or fat, while yellow, black or pink.. I only care that you keep your word, unlike a man who lies, or woman.
    Oh Kieth Crisco has companies overseas-IS that how much he loves AMERICA ? 

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