Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hell is Forcing American Students2 Learn ISLAM

        JUDAISM was here way before Islam, so were CATHOLICS, LUTHERANS, GREEK Greek ORTHODOX, MORMONS, 7TH DAY ADVENTISTS, AND I'm sure others...
      But now here we have Islam trying to force themselves, beliefs, cultures down the throats of Americans.
THEY are supposed to Learn our ways, not the other way around. Parents take your kids home. You work and can't? Yes you can. look into forming religious groups and send your kids to religious schools. Can't afford that? Find a religious school you can afford that teaches American cultures and religions, not the culture of people who came to AMERICA on 9/11.
     Look into AMISH schools, start home schooling, live more modestly and teach your own kids.
Do Not allow them to be brainwashed by being forced to learn islam, the culture who bombed Boston, crashed a plane in Pennsylvania and into a government building.
   I am not saying that whole culture is terroristic, but look at this as a whole. Yes, we have had the Timothy Mc Veighs, but nothing has ever measured up to the terrorist culture that is brainwashing our kids to join ISIS and ISlam=both start with IS. These are people who form massive groups, group thinking, bond together and now they want to STEAL the MINDS of AMERICAN CHILDREN. As an AMERICAN, I PRAY TO JESUS, GOD, The HOLY SPIRIT that "that" other religion? does not DESTROY AMERICAN Children.

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