Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Brandy Glanville, Eddie C. Had to happen

         I know we all know what we see on TV isn't the whole picture, but if seeing the meanness as I view it and in my opinion, no surprise Eddie had to look elsewhere. Her whiny voice alone would send shivers up and down, across any one's spine. She is an interloper, instigator, home wrecker and she calls Eddie and his wife home wreckers. It in many cases takes two and I feel, in my opinion it took Brandy G as the instigator in that marriage to drive Eddie to peace.
     She states she doesn't want to break up a family concerned with Kyle and Kim, but she knows she is not being honest. That's all she's done in front of cameras, imagine what she does behind them.
       Class is Lisa V, Kyle, forgot the new lady. Mrs. Van Patten? and I do see Kim split between class and Brandy.

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