Saturday, April 25, 2015

Surburban Bowlerama York Pa. Queen st. AWFUL Child Treatment

       Today I took a young child bowling at Suburban bowling on Queen street in York Pa.. Stopping at the desk a young man about twenty greeted us with, what can I do for you? I said we need an alley. He asked how many games? That was new to me and i soon learned I had to prepay. I guess they've been cheated many times to do that.
       So I told him just for the boy and two games. He takes out a small white paper with lines and a pencil for me to fill out and I ask, what's this for, he takes it back, says never mind, just never mind. I said okay.
So He tells me it's six dollars for two games. I paid and asked for a receipt, which I never do. He also asked the boys name. Just before taking my money another clerk who was standing over by the end of the desk, who was also eating, decides to come to where I was standing with the younger clerk. He asks the younger guy, what's up as he was wiping his hands, leaving what looked like a few fries on his cardboard holder. He also had a huge beverage, but looked like he finished. The younger guy says, nothing, I got it. So I take the little guy over to the alley. When we get there, there is a totally different set-up then what I've seen before as we usually go to a great bowling alley. I knew nothing about the set-up and neither did the little boy, so I sent him up to the desk to ask for someone to show him how.
      Here is what he was told: Read the directions!
Now that's classy. This clerk, a chubby guy with glasses, half bald, a well trimmed beard around the outer line of his face could not be bothered by a child, a consumer, a customer. This clerk did now know if this child could read or not, had disabilities or not. As it turned out it was fairly easy, which IS NOT THE POINT.
       Because I am in the location many times, I thought it would be nice to try this bowling alley as I used to take kids there years ago. Never again. As I sat fuming, steaming, feeling my face get red at that clerks lack of responding to a little boy, I started digging in my pocket, pulled out the receipt. The receipt showed 5.99
not 6.00. So that younger clerk didn't even bother to offer me a penny refund/change.
     I still sat and wondered what to do, but knew how upset I was, should remain sitting to cool down. Then I see the chubby clerk walk to the employee office and looked like he was carrying an tray, but not sure. So he was able to come to see what the younger clerk was doing when he was almost finished his lunch, and he was able to go to the employee office, but not to help out a little boy.
      Then I got up. My little guy was at the end of his first game. I went to the desk and spoke to both men. The younger guy said concerning the penny, "most people don't care about a penny". WOW! Sure it's just a penny! So did he even offer that, just a penny to anyone? Does he pocket all of those just a penny" at the end of the night" Does someone else pocket all of the "just a penny"? How much are all those pennies at the end of the night that people don't care about? I took the penny.
    Now to face the chubby bald guy with glasses and a beard. No matter what I said, all he would respond with was, I was eating my lunch. I let him know how wrong he was to tell a kid," read the directions".
Kids with mental health disabilities and kids from special Olympics as well as adults with the same problems cannot always "read the directions"
     Here is how it ended: remember my little guy was at the end of the first game when I went up to address these two , men? At the sixth frame of the second game beard man comes over smiling and asks, so how's everything doing here, get everything worked out okay? If I can do anything let me know? My little guy with his  issues, just smiles and points to his shoes. I ignored this guy. The boy finished and we left. I will never ever step foot in that place again if it's the only bowling alley left in Pennsylvania.
    When we left, I took him to Colony Park lanes North where we usually go. I vented the latest issues to a couple of employees. My little guy has never ever been treated like less than someone who counts as a consumer buying a product at Colony Park Lanes north. People there treat everyone equally. You can tell when someone isn't feeling well, or possible is having an off day, just not with it and would rather be home. Still with all of that, they put on a smile, hard as it may be and treat people with respect, never one to say, READ THE Directions, as they did at Suburban Blowerama on Queen street in York.
    Thank you Colony Lanes North, Deb, Jen, Andy, the maintenance men, Jean, the lady with the long dark hair, snack bar people, and by the way, I am so glad I wanted to get there today to Oder great salads, sodas, and a pizza.

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