Sunday, April 12, 2015

Not Giving Up My Seat On a Plane

       Okay this has to do with an article I just read on the AOL screen. It was interesting as I think I've heard of this but not too sure so read almost the whole piece. Women are expected to give up their seats for an orthodox Jew so he won't be tempted by the women !  Maybe the women won't be tempted by them, as if this is a one way street ! One man stood in the isle twenty minutes because a lady wouldn't give up her seat, so he holds everyone up, putting the lady in a place of being stubborn, when it's actually the man who is stubborn.
       An easy solution for this is to buy seats early and then choose-and there is a"but". Suppose a woman decides to sit next to that man, and simply because it may be the last seat, or she wants to sit half way? Then what?  This article stated people don't want to offend other religions for fear. I get it. As for me, I am not giving up my seat. I am an AMERICAN.

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