Monday, April 13, 2015

Hillary HATES Average Whites-Stupid Women

       In listening to a few news stations , the same message is being repeated, so this is not one stations' opinions or facts, but at least four.
        Across the news is the fact that she is enticing Hispanics, African Americans, gays, and women . So to me, she thinks those people are plain STUPID. Hillary must think they don't know better so, in effect, I'll go after their votes.
       Nothing mentioned about average white people, average anyone and of course we know she'll go with the party. That's how anyone gets into office. They do what the party wants to get the votes, so is her party blind to group those she is favoring as one and the same people ?
    Does she think because a person is gay, they all think alike ? The same with Hispanics and African Americans...she must think they all think alike, don't have a second thought/brain to think as an individual. She also much think all women think alike. Stupid women, can't you think for yourselves ?
How else, what else can she be thinking. Hillary has money and plenty of it and she is arrogant enough to Think that the groups of people don't care about her illegal activities, how she treated those connected to Benghazi, what she's done to hide e mails, her land dealings and so much more.
         What does she really care about ? Her self, her stature, her money, her position, maybe Bill if he isn't cheating, and of course her daughter.
But does she CARE, Really CARE about you because you are GAY? 
NOT in my opinion. She only wants the vote so she treats you like a bunch of idiots.
WOMEN !  She is treating you like third class citizens when husbands were completely in control. Comments come out both side of her mouth, one  side for the vote and one side for the party, but nothing for the individual.
 Hispanics - Same thing goes-She is treating you as if you just became an American and owe it all to her so you owe her a vote.  How many people of the Hispanic culture are more American than Hillary ? Most in my opinion. Excuse me-I just heard a lady say I want to vote for Hillary because she's a women and I'm a women and I have a daughter. CAN YOU BE MORE STUPID ???
I need to end this as hearing such comments make me puke. Please take time. Vote as the person you are and measure the person you want in office. For example let's say you want to vote for "John" or "Mable" and you're a lesbian. Mable is a women and John talks big about the gay vote and all he'll do. Do you want someone who is of the mindset to only helps people who are gay or help the country as a whole? Possible a poor example but if you vote for someone who want the country to improve as a whole, so will you as a women, a man, a person who is Gay, Hispanics, African Americans, people with disabilities, immigrants and so that's the picture I want to leave you with.


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