Monday, April 13, 2015

Now Disappointed with Clay AIken-NEW

      Someone named/titled Freaknation(says it all? ) commented about basing Clay on what he stands for not who he supports, like Hillary. I never knew what he stood for as I only saw him on his TV show about Running and his opposition died the following day, although Clay did win, and I think, not sure, somehow he ended up losing, but I never knew what he stood for. I saw him shake a lot of hands, never telling those same people what he stand s for, but I wanted him as a fresh young trustworthy man, a teacher who as I saw over the years, appeared to have character, honesty and decency, not one to swindle and all of what seems to happen with too many politicians.
      Yes, I changed  my mind knowing he supports Hillary as we all know by now the avalanche of dishonest things she's been involved in. It isn't like seeing a preacher with a crook who needs, asks, wants or tries to change. IT is for me, in my opinion like seeing a good guy who may still be looking to aspire for a political career, trying to make political connections, but in the wrong school.

 I was all for Clay Aiken when I saw him running for office because I thought he was a man for everyday people, against wrong doers. Now that I see him as he stated he wants Hillary to win because we need her to be folksy ? WHAT the Hell is that? What kind of a comment is that ? Folksy? How about HONESTY?

     Hillary Hell is enough. Clay Aiken, people have made too many mistakes voting because a candidate supports one group or people or another. Sure she'll hang out with you. You're rich. But do you think you'll see her slumming with the GLTG bi-sexual crowds who live in poverty, ? Well maybe one time, to get the vote. I'm not for one party or another, but I am against leaders who appear more like a communist than an AMERICAN. I am for leaders who live an open book life, not hiding and deleting e mails, not against the men who died at Benghazi and state, can we just get over this (to that effect) The death of Partner Foster, land deals. SHE IS DIRTY  ! How she sleeps at night, who knows, but you? A young man who is intelligent wants Hillary in because why ? Because she is for the GAY VOTE and that is sad.
     Why can't you stand up, be honest with who you are and vote for an AMERICAN without hidden agendas. Man or woman, it doesn't matter to me, but what does matter is to have a President who deeply cares, who would give their life for their country, who wants to help all of society, who wants to strengthen our country once again, not sleep with the enemy and whose background you can look into and know you have someone you will be honestly honored to stand with and say, I voted for this President. I want a President who will love our country, our people, our education system, our armed services, our AMERICA !

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