Wednesday, December 31, 2014

UNcLaimed Property-New Year-Get Yours Now

       Have you checked your state, other states where you've lived and family names in any states at all? Start the year off by searching and finding something you or  a family member left behind.
  Here are a few examples of money held at the state treasury department in your state:

  1. Old utility deposits
  2. old bank accounts
  3. pensions
  4. auto premiums
  5. ins claims
  6. hospital refunds- and yes, old paychecks and more
          **** and what you also should know is-if you have, had  a family member with a mental illness so many times they have money left in the state treasury office. People who move around with those illnesses many times have hospital stays and sometimes have worked. Their jobs no longer know how to contact so paychecks go to the state.

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