Sunday, December 21, 2014

Homebound LAW School/Education !!!

       How many parents have tried to learn about homeschooling verses Home bound? I don't know if every state is different but here IN Pennsylvania, The Educational Law states a child can be home bound for three months at an hour a day. IT DOES NOT even suggest a meeting place as it was recently to someone close to me. HOME bound is HOME BOUND, in the HOME !!! What part of that even suggest meeting elsewhere to make it convenient for a teacher?
        In addition it has been told that this will happen after school hours ! THAT IS CRAP IN A BOTTLE !
 If a child already has severe problems during regular school hours, in order to prepare the child to return to a reasonable schedule, why tell the child that he or she will be met at 3:30 or after which means a teacher will be paid overtime or time and a half=same thing? That is more like tutoring and talk about distractions? IS this a way to have a child during one hour get up and down, search for a book, go to the bathroom, look all  around, time on a computer and all of that, the child is very limited to start with. Easy to pass an hour by allowing child to browse.
     There is something called an Educational Law Center in every state, but besides that there are also places That deal solely with the issues of home bound students.
     Remember home school is nothing like home bound.    Home school is a preference made by parents.
     Home BOUND is made by the school because a child either has behaviors problems so severe caused by a medical condition or has a medical condition. If that child has an IEP, please check into Special education laws and Home bound. An instant answer isn';t to place the child into a residential facility because they, the school is not equipped or feels they have exhausted every measure, when they haven't.
           Parents do your homework. Talk to people, look on line !  RESEARCH !  Look up FAPE and IDEA.
They must receive a free and appropriate education, which also has to do with the setting-in your home during a school day and hours. Good Luck and never give up the fight, because that's exactly what it is.

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