Tuesday, December 23, 2014

IEP's, 504 IDEA and ESY Special ED issues

       Do you have a child in special education? Look up and read Legal Rights of kids with autism. It's an interview showing just how unfair many schools are because they pull the strings, but you have rights as parents and one is, Due Process,  also contact The Educational Law Center, and you can and should try to get a lawyer.

        Better yet when the school does not move in the favor of a child with special needs who has severe emotional disturbances, call  the media.  Some years ago I said I was doing that after the bus just dropped a kid off in a strange community and he was lost, a second day in a new school, was supposed to go to the community center and no one checked on him. I called to make sure he arrived and was told-who? That started a search and me telling the district what I was about to do-yes, the media. They called the agency who stopped me, so you see it can work.

        Not all parents can do this if they are only a foster parent without rights. But those of you who are, let the school know not only will you call the media but you will contact the ACLU. You can also stand outside of school property with huge signs. BRING ATTENTION, NEGATIVE ATTENTION ON HOW THOSE KIDS ARE NOT BEING TREATED FAIRLY !

         The school may tell you they feel empathy or sympathy but I bet if the school has big tax payers in the district with kids who are children of those bigger tax payers or parents who have made donations to the community or the school, it's a different ball game. As you can see in teh interview, it's all about dollars, but it's also about who you are, and who you know.
    Good Luck and don't ever give up.

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