Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Baby accidentally Kills Mom

       There will be many people who will have harsh judgements about what has recently happened when a two year old boy reached into his mommy's purse and took out her gun and killed her.Now a mother is dead, a husband has lost his wife and two other children have lost their mom, in addition to a two year old who will end up with scars at some point in his life knowing he killed his mother.
       What will happen to him, to a poor toddler who did what many children do when sitting in a grocery cart. They peek, they snoop, they search and get curious. All, so very innocent and not knowing the age of the two brothers, will they hold this against him? As they grow older, will they remind him? Will they blame him? How will he handle knowing this ? He is the one, along with his brother who needs so much tender loving care.
       Blame? Sure many will blame the mom, but she took the ultimate sacrifice possibly thinking to carry a gun would protect herself and her children. This is only sad, so very deeply sad. Now for the family just love, support, don't judge and pray for those kids and husband.

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