Thursday, December 11, 2014

Special Education? What's Wrong with it & Whats Right

       Anyone who is reading this knows about an IEP, Individualized Education Plan, a plan made for each person to fit their personal needs and academic levels, as well as Mental health and or Physical health, many times both. So that is what's right and for many children in school that works fine.
      But what about the kids who have issues beyond a "traditional fix".?  The things that are put in place are, transfer to another school or schools, or programs. The reality is those kids more than likely have severe behavior problems and a schedule of academics with some Mental health therapy just isn't working. Why?
     Because with the behavior problems they just don't want to participate, but they do want to control the adults and take away opportunities of well behaved kids or kids who have learned to behave to some extent, and they enjoy that more than you know.
     We have kids who slide through school because of bad behavior and so they remain on a second or third grade level, even a little higher at times. The behavioral schools don't even want to bother with them so they let them slide through as do traditional schools should they be so lucky to stay. What happens at the high school graduation?
         They receive a diploma that will say, Special Education which means THEY ARE NOT TRAINED, NOR DO THEY HAVE SKILLS TO GO TO WORK.!  With that at age eighteen many families look for caseworkers to find group homes or Parents apply for social security disability, do the best they can to help their child find work. These graduates usually cannot fill out an application, cannot use public transportation, and so it will fall on caseworkers, social security help, group homes,  and possible sheltered workshops where that child will be paid piecework, maybe amounting to 8.00 for eight hours work.
     What is the answer?   Everyone knows kids, boy and girls love to play. Start in first grade with simple life skills such as the Montessori schools teach. Examples: sewing, washing dishes, cleaning, tying shoes so they don't keep coming untied, hygiene, fingernails, hair combing/brushing, dental and anything else that pertains to life as in MONEY-along with those teaching comes spelling, math, reading, play applications and all of this continues to the next grade where careers are taught.
     So your child wants to build computers but too young to learn, start with erector sets.
They want to be a nurse...start with reading a thermometer , taking a pulse, numbers
They want to be a plumber-yuck, they have to have a stomach...let them clean toilets first and sinks and then ask a plumber to come in and teach small.
They want to be a builder----here ya go Blueprints-reading, art, architecture -let them start with scrap wood and have first to draw what they want to make.
    IT can be done and when you have these children graduate high school, you will have people who are ready to work, ready to be self supporting, ready to be proud of the progress they made because the SPECIAL EDUCATION SYSTEM GAVE A DAMN.

    Last note-Traditional schools do this with average kids too, push them through. You see, and I know you understand, if they don't play sports or don't have great grades, they're just not counted. Education should  fit each child. In High school you get to choose what you want if you're smart enough, but what if you're not meant to be a lawyer, an architect, a doctor, a teacher, a minister, a psychologist, an electrician? What then? Your child should not have to be good enough to go to a vocational school by ninth grade. Teach  those skills while they are still excited about education. Don't Wait. BY the way, look at  Vocational Colleges. They are Great!!!!

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