Tuesday, December 16, 2014


        As Ben Carson stated, "Grow a Spine", congress because you don't have one now. What are you afraid of? Your party, re-election, your wallet, telling the truth or being true to your selves. What are you teaching your children and grandchildren? Do you leave  a legacy of cowardice like ISIS, or do you leave a legacy of an AMERICAN who took a stand for the AMERICAN people to do what you promised to do, to do what you were hired to do ?
            Vote yourself in or out now. In ,you stand with and for AMERICA. Out you stand against AMERICA and remember the voting change that recently happened? Its coming again.
                           GROW A SPINE is moving across AMERICA
Pass this on if you believe we can still save AMERICA, because politicians are NOT, so it's up to the people who vote. 

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