Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Schools, Vans and Educational Discipline

       Supposedly you're not to complain unless you have the solution. That's an easy way out for those who aren't doing what can be done to say...see, we told you so.
    What do you do with a kid on a van who doesn't behave and is destructive? You discipline him or her, but you don't reward them by giving them what they want, a seat where ever they want. So you make adjustments. If this kid is destructive and you are saying it's a safety issue, then pick that kid up last and sit him or her between two big kids. Lets see them destroy property then. Peer influence is a big thing. We can't spank, are afraid to raises our voices but as drivers do want to be a kids best buddy. Bullshit!!!!
      Why is it kids cannot be disciplined ? What are adults afraid of? Why aren't adults, adults?
I Know what a touchy issue this is because most parents work outside of the home and can't start driving kids to school.. This is taxpayer money and the answers they have is, well this is a safety issue, so let's just give him or her what they want. How about an old fashioned spanking instead?
   Kids who behave like this are bullies and cowards afraid to face in life whats needed. I have seen teachers attacked in school and they are not allowed to hit a student back. BULLSHIT again! Knock that kid on his or her ass, but good. We send this message every day. Okay kids, you can push, shove, hit, punch, spit at a teacher because you cowardly son of a bitch know-"they can't touch me". As you murmur that inside your head and as you are getting away with this garbage, remember the day will come-when you won't.

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