Wednesday, December 17, 2014

President Jeanine Pirro, A Real American

       We the People, in order to form a more perfect union, vote for Judge Jeanine Pirro as the President of the United States of America.

She represents Truth, Honor, Justice, Integrity, Moral Character and the spirit that we once knew our Presidents used to stand for, tenacity! She is a no bull woman. She takes no prisoners, treating everyone with the equality they deserve, such as ISIS.
   Do you want the atrocities to continue that we have seen in the last ten to twenty years, school shootings, drug crimes, gun violence, kidnappings, missing children and babies, loss of medical care, illegal immigrants stealing their way into our country, made legal by the present leader of our country. Our Country.
   What has happened to our country? Is the present president, as well as some before him only consumed with their own egos that they can't really, don't really know how to be a leader and certainly don't have the guts as Judge Jeanine Pirro has to FACE THE NATION !

     Too many people want to listen to what sounds like a Rock star. Then those people have their heads so far up, they are not looking at all to the future, at social security, jobs, education, health costs, veterans, police and firemen, nurses, doctors. Why? Because illegal immigrants are and have been slowly eroding our country.
      Jeanine Pirro will stop that. By the way, I love Ben Carson, but I seriously doubt he would get enough votes because he is soft spoken and maybe Jeanine won't get enough votes because she is outspoken. The politicians we have now, have been taught how to speak, to LIE, to sway, to convince in order to get votes.
     Now you can see truth when you hear and see people like Ben Carson and Jeanine Pirro. What and how they speak goes to truth. That is their personality, that is their truth and when for Gods sake will this whole country of  LEGAL AMERICANS wake up and fight as much as our military fight for our country. OUR weapon is our vote, the most powerful weapon we have. SHOOT!
     How are your children ever going to pay for college? How will they get jobs when Illegal immigrants are taking over and taking their money. I'll tell you how. When you vote for Jeanine Pirro she will not let you down, you're children and grandchildren. She will improve the education system and welfare and she will improve and improve our military and make changes in congress, and hopefully have Ben Carson at her side.
Now that's EQUALITY!

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