Tuesday, December 30, 2014


       Of course I'm not a doctor, but after a chat tonight with a young woman at a local bank, with her telling me her mom is dying, stage four cancer which has traveled throughout her body, I, well, we shared stories of all kinds. I gave her two funny stories which lifted her up for just a little while. Imagine have to be nice to the public when your mom is dying. Her mom is eighty-two and many might say, well she lived a good long life. Hey! When it's your mom or dad or someone you love, it's never long enough.
       While we talked she made me promise to get my cough checked out, saying that was how they discovered her mom had cancer. My friend told me the same thing about three years ago. I had a cold, but I will get a check-up after New Year. There is also a test called CA125-I am asking for it. CA 125 is a test to find cancer and most doctors do not tell you about it, so go, get it done.

      So who gets cancer? Anyone. We have attributed cancer to smoking, asbestos, alcohol, work environment, pollution etc. But we don't all have that in common.
   ************************This is only my point of view************

Food! Food ! Food ! WE ALL EAT!!!
     So lets start with that and see where this goes without me going on and on. Please take time and look up BLUE ZONES-I know, I know, people will say, but I can't afford to eat healthy which was my old state of mind too. When we do little in life, like watch TV, lay around on the sofa, read books on the sofa , talk on the phone, on the sofa, we are not getting out.
    Second-I bought 5 oranges the other day at 1.00 each-compare that to a stop at a local store and buying a cup off coffee or a candy bar. CANCERS love that stuff and feed on  it. Anything that is bad for your body cancer attacks it like a vacuum cleaner picks up dirt. So work a budget and plan meals.Ask for help in doing that and yes, poor, very poor people make pots of pasta, potatoes, rice and load it with expensive butter, salt, gravy etc.
   Third-while you start to plan meals and shop for those meals, remember to get out, walk, ask someone for a bike, ride, feel the wind in your face. Gyms have scholarships but get out. Do for others. There are exchange groups, free helps, some are called Time Banking-Hour World. There is help to help you do better.
   Fourth-if it isn't food, what is it that causes cancer when the one thing that everyone has in common in this world is food.  How many who die of cancer don't smoke, don't work in pollution, don't work around asbestos and don't drink, so what is it? In My opinion it has to be Food. PLEASE get a movie called FORKS OVER KNIVES, study BLUE ZONES and change what you put inside your mouth because cancer is waiting. We all have cancers in our body which lay dormant and then we feed those cancer cells. Why they explode in some and not others may just be a matter of time and maybe if we're lucky those horrible cells will pass us by, so why not play it safe now. EAT TO LIVE.
   Before you search I will tell you Blue Zones are areas in the United States and elsewhere where people live and  live very long and healthy lives. WHY. Here goes: THEY don't eat SHIT!

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