Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ron Myrnes, An American Way

       I was so very thankful today to have a railing on both sides of my side entrance to my home. When this house was built, the builder made a higher than high, step into the house. You don't notice it unless you're carrying heavy packages, aging, a bad knee, back, or simply in bad weather have to be more mindful of where you put your feet. Oh there is one more thing. Little kids with small legs. This side porch/step for little legs is like a mountain.
      Getting railings was something Ron and I talked about for a while, but he's busy and responsible man with a family of his own, never mind all who want his excellent services and his ideas! They make me nuts. In a good way of course. They make me want a shed to build things in, get more tools and live elsewhere so I can sell what I make. I have a list for Spring, siding, bathroom vanity, new windows except the kitchen and  a few more, but for now look at those photos.
    So when you look at the photos, what is missing is a freshly cleaned and painted large cement step. That has to wait until Spring. But I wanted to show them anyway because the job Ron did today in freezing cold weather is what many would say, WOW! He is exact in his cuttings and measurements. Ron cut out pieces as to balance the railing, keeping things straight and firm He used a special tool, sounded like a mini jack hammer into the concrete. He cut pickets to give added style and made cuts at the end of the railing to give a touch of class. I am very thankful to have this now as snow and ice will be arriving soon. Now if i slip, I have something to grab onto. By the way, this is not at all like anything you can buy at Lowe's or a home Improvement store. This is hand made from scratch, by an American in America.
     Leave those foreign products were they belong, in the country they came from and hire an American person who knows what he or she is doing, has a conscience and is ethical in the work they personally provide. We talk about carbon footprints. Think about the footprints you are bringing into your life and home and where and how that money, that service, that craftsmanship comes from, an AMERICAN HEART, AMERICAN HANDS and an AMERICAN FAMILY !

                         Okay, well for some reason, I can't load my pictures, so i'll see if for the heck of it, I can load another pic. Well not working...when I can, if I can, i'll show some, sorry, and Ron, Thank you

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