Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Grandson, a Son and a Daughter

         I am so proud of how my son and his wife are raising their little boys.  His wife is very "GREEN" conscious as is my son. They recycle not just on every day things they use, but touch the hearts of many in how they live. Volunteering, giving, helping, teaching and in any way they can help others in their community, they do. They don't just say, I'd like to but... They find a way. I do know we can't all be the same as we all have different lives, ages , health problems, finances, and so on. Oh my son and his wife asked for something the my grandson can create, not anything boxed, not a kit,  or a truck. Well, I have a bunch of cut up pieces of wood for Christmas and he'll be surprised how he'll get them.
         My daughter is the same way. Every year she makes Thanksgiving baskets and with a friend delivers them to those who need a better thanksgiving, or just need some kind of Happy Thanksgiving. She bakes cookies, muffins and adds to what she can when she can besides her full work days. I have watched her grow more and more over the years to be a wonderful giving person.
        Both my son and daughter have always given. My son used to bring at times almost an army of kids home-not always a good thing, but his heart was in the right place. My daughter helped hide a neighbor kid and made my heart jump into my chest as her mom came to me and asked, have you seen...? Uh, oh boy, and yes I told. But it's all about the spirit. One night at two in the morning on a cold freezing rainy night, my son walked two and a quarter miles to help a girl out who stayed the night. She and her dad worked things out that week.
     Another night I heard a knock at the door. It was cold, dark and as I opneed the door, no one was there. It was just myself and my daughter home. She wanted me to get a flashlight and go outside looking.Another knock, soft as a whisper. This happened four times. He was hiding under a tree. The kid was scared. Finally he showed himself. He was a skinny little thing, froze to the bone, afraid of his father. We ended up taking him to the ER, called his father who said, he can stay with you. He did for  a few days, and returned home.  That mans' sons, two ended up in prison, another died and yet another went on to a good life. Through those kinds of times both of my childen said always," let him in!"
       I believe the spirit of Christmas lives in not just my son and daughter, but my sons' wife as well every day. Between my son and his wife and my daughter they will pass a legacy of giving to everyone they touch, like a path made by rivers.

          We all love our children and our children, no matter how we raise them decide on their own to be who they are as adults. Sure a great foundation helps. But I have seen kids come from rotten parents and grow into wonderful people and the other way around, so parents tell your kids how much you love them because of  who they came to be.

        Hey! You two. I love you and thank you. My life has been a life. A life so much better, so much counted because of you two. I am so proud of who you both are and what you've given in life to make the world a better place. Remember too, all of the funny and silly crazy times we've had. I love you.
Merry Christmas, Mom

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