Thursday, January 1, 2015

Spring Grove Schools PA.

       Parents who have children in Special Education classes please look at the school budget. As parents you will receive better responses, grandparents, probably less, guardians less and if you are a caretaker of a child, a whole lot less.
        There are places such as PEAL for assistance, Education law center,  Special Education attorneys and the best is the media. When a school district is telling an adult that to place a child in a program which is so costly, they just can't do it, well if u r a parent, you have so many options. First I would ask to sit down and have a calm chat, be prepared with a pen and take notes. If nothing is resolved, do not waste your time, effort, gas, blood pressure and patience, and do one of two things. Contact the ACLU or a Lawyer.

    The money in this budget shows, ATTRITION=750,000=7 staff not to be replaced which equals 107, per staff, not bad for a small town school and then it shows reducing building allocations by 50,000.
    Where did that money go?
They received a READY To Learn Grant of 480,469. of which 34,553 was allocated to Special ed-did they actually receive that? You know since it's so expensive to educate a child in Special Education.
    Oh, The high School has an "ACTIVITY FUND" of 39,307.99, but the fund for Special Education was much lower. I don't begrudge any student anything, but fair is fair and if a child had the name GLADFELTER, what is happening to the child I am caring for-well it wouldn't be happening.
   P.S.  For those of you who don't know Spring Grove, it's a papermill town, Gladfelter Papermill, Gladfelter Library, Gladfelter Stadium (high School) and more. 

The general fund in 2012 was 30,646,746.92

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